Definition and Etymology of Abase

1. Definition

What is, Concept or Meaning

v. To abase someone or oneself is to cause them to feel a strong sense of shame or embarrassment, often by demeaning or humiliating them. This can be done through words or actions, and it can be intentional or unintentional. The act of abasing someone or oneself is called abasement.

For example, someone who is constantly belittled or criticized by their boss might feel abased, as might someone who is publicly embarrassed in front of others. Abasing someone can also involve stripping them of their dignity or status, or forcing them to do things that go against their values or beliefs. In general, abasing someone is a way of undermining their confidence and self-worth, and it can have serious negative effects on their mental and emotional well-being.

2. Etymology of abase

The word “abase” comes from the Old French “abaser,” which means “to humble or bring low.” It is related to the Latin “ad-” (meaning “to” or “toward”) and “bassus” (meaning “low”), so it literally means “to bring low.” The word has been used in English since the late 14th century, and it has remained in use since then, with the same general meaning.

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In addition to the noun form “abasement,” the word “abase” has several other forms. For example, it can be used as a transitive verb (to abase someone or something), an intransitive verb (to abase oneself), and a reflexive verb (to abase oneself). It can also be used as an adjective (to describe something as abased or degrading), and it can be used in the past tense (abased) and the past participle (abased).

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Bibliography ► (January 9, 2023). Abase. Recovered from
