Definition and Etymology of Abate

1. Definition

What is, Concept or Meaning

v. Abating. To abate is to make something less strong, intense, or extreme. It can also refer to the act of reducing or diminishing something. The act of abating something is called abatement.

For example, if there is a loud noise that is disturbing you, you might try to abate it by closing the windows or using earplugs. Similarly, if there is a problem or issue that is causing concern, you might try to abate it by addressing the root cause or finding a solution. In general, abating something means taking steps to make it less of a problem or nuisance.

The word “abate” comes from the Old French “abatre,” which means “to beat down.” It is related to the Latin “batt(u)o,” which means “to beat,” so it literally means “to beat down” or “to reduce.” The word has been used in English since the 14th century, and it has remained in use since then, with the same general meaning of making something less intense or extreme.

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2. Etymology of abate

The word “abate” comes from the Old French “abatre,” which means “to beat down.” It is related to the Latin “batt(u)o,” which means “to beat,” so it literally means “to beat down” or “to reduce.” The word has been used in English since the 14th century, and it has remained in use since then, with the same general meaning of making something less strong, intense, or extreme.

In addition to being used as a transitive verb (to abate something), the word “abate” can also be used as an intransitive verb (to abate or become less intense), and it can be used in the past tense (abated) and the past participle (abated). The act of abating something is called abatement.

The word “abatement” is a noun form of “abate,” and it refers to the act of reducing or diminishing something. For example, an abatement in noise levels might refer to a decrease in the volume or intensity of a sound, while an abatement in pollution might refer to a reduction in the amount of harmful substances in the air or water. In general, an abatement is a way of making something less of a problem or nuisance.

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Bibliography ► (January 9, 2023). Abate. Recovered from
