Definition and etymology of ABM (abbreviation)

1. Definition of ABM (abbreviation)

What is, concept or meaning

abbr. Abm stands for Anti-Ballistic Missile. An Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) system is a type of missile defense system that is specifically designed to intercept and destroy incoming ballistic missiles before they reach their intended targets. These systems typically involve the use of radar, computer systems, and interceptor missiles to detect and track incoming ballistic missiles, and then engage them with interceptor missiles before they can reach their intended targets.

Anti-ballistic missile systems are used to protect a country or a specific area from incoming ballistic missiles. These systems are designed to detect, track, and intercept incoming missiles, and are used to protect cities, military bases, and other important sites from missile attacks.

2. Etymology

The term “Anti-Ballistic Missile” is a combination of two words “Anti” meaning against and “Ballistic” meaning missiles. It is an acronym for the system which is designed to intercept and destroy incoming ballistic missiles.

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3. History

The concept of Anti-ballistic missile systems was first proposed during the Cold War as a means of protecting the United States and other countries from potential missile attacks by the Soviet Union. The first ABM systems were developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s, with the United States deploying the first operational ABM system, known as the Nike-X system, in the late 1960s.

In the following decades, the United States and Soviet Union continued to develop and improve their ABM systems, with the United States deploying the Safeguard ABM system in the 1970s and the Soviet Union deploying the A-35 ABM system in the 1980s. However, the effectiveness of these systems has been a subject of debate, and many experts argue that ABM systems are not capable of providing complete protection against missile attacks.

The development and deployment of ABM systems has been a contentious issue in international politics, with some countries arguing that these systems are necessary for national security, while others argue that they are destabilizing and could lead to an arms race.

Uses and Applications: Anti-Ballistic Missile systems are primarily used to protect a country or a specific area from incoming ballistic missiles. These systems are also used to protect cities, military bases, and other important sites from missile attacks.

4. Examples of Use

An example of the use of ABM system is when a country’s military detects an incoming missile heading towards a major city, the military will launch an interceptor missile to intercept and destroy the incoming missile before it reaches the city.

In conclusion, ABM stands for Anti-Ballistic Missile, it is a type of missile defense system that is specifically designed to intercept and destroy incoming ballistic missiles before they reach their intended targets. The concept of ABM systems was first proposed during the Cold War, and it has been a contentious issue in international politics.

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Bibliography ► (January 12, 2023). ABM (abbreviation). Recovered from