Definition and Etymology of Aboard

1. Definition

What is, Concept or Meaning

adv. & prep. Aboard is an adverb and preposition used to indicate that someone or something is on or into a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle. For example, “She went aboard the ship,” or “He placed the package aboard the airplane.” It can also be used to indicate that something is included or a part of something else, such as “all the passengers aboard the flight.”

2. Etymology

The word “aboard” comes from the Old English word “on bord” which means “on board”. It is related to words such as “board” (a flat surface used for some purpose), and “boarder” (a person who lives in a boarding house or school).

3. History

The term “aboard” has been used in the English language since at least the 14th century. It has been used to indicate that someone or something is on or into a ship or other vehicle.

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4. Examples of use

  1. “She went aboard the ship.” This sentence uses “aboard” to indicate that the subject (She) has entered and is now on the ship.
  2. “He placed the package aboard the airplane.” This sentence uses “aboard” to indicate that the package has been loaded onto the airplane.
  3. “All the passengers aboard the flight.” This sentence uses “aboard” to indicate that all the passengers are on the flight, they are included in the flight.
  4. “We will have a meeting aboard the train” in this sentence, the word aboard indicates that the meeting will take place on the train, it is not a reference to a physical location but to a certain vehicle.
  5. “The band played aboard the bus” This sentence indicates that the band played on the bus.

It is important to note that when using aboard as a preposition, it should be followed by the, example “aboard the train” “aboard the ship” “aboard the airplane” It is also important to note that it is not an appropriate word usage in certain situations, for instance, it would not be appropriate to say “I am aboard my house” as it is not a vehicle but a stationary structure.

5. Uses and Applications

Aboard is mainly used to indicate that someone or something is on or into a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle. It can also be used to indicate that something is included or a part of something else. It is a common word in the maritime and aviation industries, but it can also be used in other contexts such as train, bus, or car.

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Bibliography ► (January 13, 2023). Aboard. Recovered from
