
Google Play Games launches dark theme, shortcuts, and more news, coming soon to the minesweeper

English - December 15, 2018

Image 1. Google Play Games launches dark theme, shortcuts, and more news, coming soon to the minesweeper

Interesting news to reach the center of games for your Android device. The application Google Play Games updates to the version 5.14 to add four new items, and pass, filter that a new game integrated, is prepared to reach to our Android.

The new update is already to all over the world available for update through the Play Store. If you have already updated do not miss all these new features:

Image 2. Google Play Games launches dark theme, shortcuts, and more news, coming soon to the minesweeper

Xataka Android

Google Play already allows you to test paid games and upcoming releases, and without having to install them

dark Theme

Image 3. Google Play Games launches dark theme, shortcuts, and more news, coming soon to the minesweeper

The dark theme of Google Play Games is already here. From Settings > dark Theme we can pass from its interface white to a dark gray, so the screen is not us dazzle you and step the application will consume less battery power.


Image 4. Google Play Games launches dark theme, shortcuts, and more news, coming soon to the minesweeper

Now while keeping the icon of the application, Play Games and hold we can quickly access the games that we have played recently. Thus we avoid having to open the app or search for the game in the app drawer.

Achievements by rarity

Image 5. Google Play Games launches dark theme, shortcuts, and more news, coming soon to the minesweeper

Now Google Play allows us to sort our achievements by rarity, for those who are hard to get. To do this we just need to go to our profile and achievements click on the new icon sort and select rarity.


Image 6. Google Play Games launches dark theme, shortcuts, and more news, coming soon to the minesweeper

built-in games Google now coming to animations when their icons displayed in the main view of the application. Of time the icons of the third-party games don’t have animations, but it is possible that this will change in the future.

coming Soon the minesweeper

Image 7. Google Play Games launches dark theme, shortcuts, and more news, coming soon to the minesweeper

And speaking of the built-in games Google, it has been discovered in the source code of this new update that Google prepares the launch of the classic minesweeper, in a new version created for our Android devices.

Image 8. Google Play Games launches dark theme, shortcuts, and more news, coming soon to the minesweeper

Image 9. Google Play Games launches dark theme, shortcuts, and more news, coming soon to the minesweeper

Google Play GamesVaries depending on the device.

Via | Android Police

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The news Google Play Games launches dark theme, shortcuts, and more news, soon the minesweeper was originally published in Xataka Android by Cosmos.

Xataka Android