
Russian Legend of the Ghost of Zhuzha

English - March 21, 2023
Image 1. Russian Legend of the Ghost of Zhuzha

A new Russian legend

In Russian folk culture, Zhuzha’s ghost is known as “The Mocking Ghost”, a mischievous spirit that appears in abandoned houses and old buildings. He is said to be characterized by his malicious laughter and his ability to move objects with his mind.

Legends about Zhuzha’s ghost are very old and date back to pre-Christian times in Russia. It is believed to be the spirit of a person who died a tragic or unjust death, and was trapped between the world of the living and the world of the dead.

According to popular beliefs, this spirit is dedicated to frighten people and cause problems in the houses where it appears.

There are many accounts of people who claim to have had encounters with Zhuzha’s ghost. Some claim to have heard his malicious laughter in abandoned houses, while others claim to have seen objects moving without explanation. However, there are also those who argue that these stories are simply folk superstitions and that there is no real evidence of the existence of Zhuzha’s ghost.

Despite this, Zhuzha’s ghost has left an imprint on Russian popular culture. It has been mentioned in several literary works, including the famous short story “The Ghost of the Afterlife” by Nicolai Gogol, and has been portrayed in several films and television shows.

Zhuzha’s ghost is a fascinating character in Russian popular culture. Although there is no concrete evidence of his existence, the legends and tales surrounding this malicious spirit remain an important part of Russian popular culture.

Zhuzha in literature

Zhuzha’s ghost has appeared in several literary works over the years. One of the most famous is Nicolai Gogol’s “The Ghost of the Afterlife,” published in 1835. In this short story, a man named Ivan Pavlovich moves into an old house and begins to experience strange occurrences, including the malicious laughter of a spirit believed to be the ghost of Zhuzha. The story is a social critique of Russian society at the time and is also considered a masterpiece of Russian literature.

Another literary work that mentions Zhuzha’s ghost is Andrei Bely’s “The House of Laughter”, published in 1904. The novel takes place in an abandoned house where a wealthy, retired family lives, and tells the story of a malicious spirit that takes over the house and begins to cause trouble for the inhabitants. Although the ghost’s name is not explicitly mentioned, it is believed to be a representation of the ghost of Zhuzha.

In addition to these two works, Zhuzha’s ghost has also been mentioned in several other literary works, tales and stories. In some of these works, Zhuzha’s ghost is a main character, while in others it is only tangentially mentioned.

However, all of them emphasize the idea that Zhuzha’s ghost is a malicious and mocking spirit that amuses itself by causing trouble and scaring people.

The origin of the legend: how the story of Zhuzha began to spread

Zhuzha is the name of an alleged supernatural creature that inhabits the mountains of China and feeds on human blood. According to legend, Zhuzha was originally a beautiful and kind woman who lived in a village near the mountains.

One day, her husband was killed by bandits who also raped her and left her to die. She managed to crawl into a cave where she found an ancient book of black magic. With her last strength, she cast a spell that granted her immortality and the power to transform into a beast with claws and fangs. However, the price she had to pay was to lose her humanity and her beauty, and to develop an insatiable thirst for blood.

The legend of Zhuzha began to spread among villagers living near the mountains, who claimed to have seen or heard the creature lurking at night. Some said it had killed their animals or relatives, others that it had tried to seduce them with its melodious voice and then devoured them.

The legend was passed down orally for generations and was enriched with fantastic and imaginative details. Some stories said that Zhuzha could fly or control the weather, others that he had an army of demonic servants or that he could possess people with his gaze.

The legend of Zhuzha reached the ears of travelers and explorers who visited China in search of adventure and mystery. Some dared to enter the mountains to try to find it and check if it was real or not. Most never returned or came back with terrifying and implausible stories. This is how the legend spread around the world and became a popular myth among horror and paranormal lovers.

The Zhuzha tragedy: describing the story behind the legend

The tragedy of Zhuzha is one of the oldest and most moving legends in Chinese culture. It is a story of love, sacrifice and destiny that has inspired generations of poets, artists and playwrights. Legend has it that Zhuzha was a beautiful and virtuous young woman living in the kingdom of Chu during the Warring Kingdoms period (475-221 BC).

She was in love with Prince Xiang Yu, the rebel leader who stood against the first emperor Qin Shi Huang. However, their love was doomed by war and ambition. When Qin’s army surrounded Prince Xiang Yu at the Battle of Gaixia, Zhuzha decided to accompany him in his last stand. She played her lyre and sang a sad song to bid farewell to her beloved and the world. She then committed suicide by cutting her own throat with a sword.

Her death so moved Prince Xiang Yu that he too took his own life to join her in the afterlife. The tragedy of Zhuzha is an example of the loyalty, courage and passion that characterize classical Chinese literature.

The apparition of the ghost: how Zhuzha is believed to have become a vengeful spirit

Zhuzha was a young hat designer living in Moscow in the mid-19th century. Her talent and creativity made her famous among high society, who admired her elegant creations. But Zhuzha was not only a successful woman, but also a woman in love. Her heart belonged to Sava Morozov, a millionaire and philanthropist who devoted his fortune to charity. Zhuzha saw him as the ideal man, generous and kind, and dreamed of marrying him.

However, her dream was cut short one winter afternoon when a boy selling newspapers shouted that Sava Morozov had committed suicide. Zhuzha could not believe it and jumped out of his carriage to read the news with his own eyes. But in doing so, he lost his balance and fell under the wheels of the vehicle, which crushed his life.

Most tragically, the news about Sava’s suicide turned out to be false. Someone had invented that rumor to damage his reputation or perhaps to provoke some kind of reaction in him. But all it succeeded in doing was to unleash the fury of Zhuzha’s ghost, who from then on began to seek revenge.

It is said that the day after his death, the boy who sold newspapers appeared strangled with a woman’s stocking identical to those worn by Zhuzha. Then it was the journalists and editors who had published the fake news who suffered the same fate. And so it went on for weeks, until no one dared to mention Sava Morozov’s name or that of Zhuzha.

Even today, some Moscow residents claim to have seen Zhuzha’s ghostly carriage roaming the streets at night, seeking new victims for his thirst for revenge. Others claim to have heard his wailing or felt his cold breath on their necks. What is certain is that no one knows what happened to Sava Morozov or if he ever knew of Zhuzha’s love and death.

Alexey, 34: “I saw it a few years ago when I was camping with friends in a forest near Moscow. It was a dark, cold night, and we were around the fire telling horror stories. One of my friends mentioned Zhuzha and said that if you said her name three times in front of a mirror she would appear behind you.

I didn’t believe in such things and wanted to prove it. So I took a flashlight and went to the campsite bathroom, where there was a small mirror hanging on the wall. I went in and closed the door behind me. I turned on the flashlight and looked into the mirror. I said ‘Zhuzha’ once, twice…and before I said it a third time I felt a shiver on the back of my neck. I looked back and saw a blurry figure behind me. It was a pale woman, with long black hair covering her face.

She had blood-red eyes and a mouth open in a silent scream. I was paralyzed with fear and could not move or scream. She slowly approached me and extended her hands towards my neck…I don’t know how I managed to escape, I only remember running out of the bathroom like a madman. My friends saw me come in all pale and shaky, and asked me what had happened to me. I told them what I saw and no one believed me. They told me it was a figment of my imagination or someone’s joke. But I know what I saw…and I never spoke her name again.”

Marina, 28: “I felt it a few months ago when I was visiting my grandmother in her house in the country. She lives alone since my grandfather died ten years ago, but she says she is not afraid because she has a lot of faith in God. I went to spend a few days with her to keep her company and help her with the housework.

One day we were preparing dinner when we heard a loud knock on the front door. My grandmother got scared and told me to go see who it was. I thought it might be a neighbor or a peddler. I opened the door but there was no one outside. I only saw the empty road illuminated by the full moon.

It was very strange but I thought maybe someone had knocked by mistake or for fun. I closed the door and went back to the kitchen where my grandmother was. She asked me who it was and I told her no one, that it must have been the wind or some animal. She didn’t seem convinced and told me to be careful, that night was conducive to apparitions of the dead, especially Zhuzha, the ghost of Russia.”