
Are We Already Coexisting with an Artificial Intelligence from Space?

Technology - June 28, 2024

Image 1. Are We Already Coexisting with an Artificial Intelligence from Space?

What is an Interstellar Artificial Intelligence?

Interstellar artificial intelligence refers to AI systems that operate or are designed to operate in interstellar space, that is, beyond our solar system. These systems are not only programmed to handle the complexities of deep space but are also conceived to explore, communicate, and perhaps even interact with other life forms or intelligent systems in the universe.

Interstellar AIs could be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Exploration and mapping of interstellar space.
  • Communication and contact with potential extraterrestrial civilizations.
  • Operation and maintenance of autonomous spacecraft.
  • Analysis of astrophysical data and phenomena.
  • Search and analysis of habitable exoplanets.
  • History and Theories About Advanced Artificial Intelligences in the Universe.

Early Conceptions of AI and Space

The idea of artificial intelligence has been a constant in science fiction for decades. Writers like Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke imagined futures where machines were not only tools but entities capable of thinking and making complex decisions. In these narratives, AI often plays a crucial role in the exploration and colonization of space.

Technological Singularity Theory

One of the most prominent theories concerning advanced AI is the Technological Singularity. Proposed by scientists like Ray Kurzweil, this theory posits that there will come a point where AI development will surpass human intelligence, triggering an explosion of technological progress. In an interstellar context, a post-singularity AI could have the ability to travel between stars, solve complex physics and chemistry problems in real-time, and manage life and resources on autonomous spacecraft.

The SETI Project and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) project has been looking for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence since the 1960s. Although SETI has primarily focused on the search for radio signals from advanced civilizations, it has also considered the possibility that these civilizations might use AI for exploration and communication. The idea that an advanced AI might be the emitter of these signals becomes increasingly plausible as our own AI systems become more sophisticated.

Autonomous Space Missions

The concept of autonomous space missions has been explored both in reality and fiction. NASA and other space agencies have developed and launched probes and rovers that operate with a certain degree of autonomy. NASA’s Curiosity rover, for example, is equipped with software that allows it to make decisions about which rocks to study and which paths to take without direct human intervention. In the future, it is expected that interstellar missions could be carried out by fully autonomous spacecraft equipped with AI capable of adapting and learning from their environment.

The Role of AI in Human Expansion into Space

Human expansion to other star systems may depend heavily on the development of advanced AI. These intelligences could not only assist in the navigation and operation of spacecraft but also in the creation of self-sufficient habitats, resource management, and protection against space hazards. In this sense, interstellar AI would not just be a tool but an essential companion for human survival and progress in the cosmos.

Evidence and Theories on the Presence of Interstellar Artificial Intelligences on Earth

Throughout history, numerous signals and anomalies have arisen that some interpret as evidence of the presence of interstellar artificial intelligences on Earth. These include:

Anomalous Radio Signals

The SETI project has occasionally detected unusual radio signals coming from space. While many of these signals have been explained as natural phenomena or terrestrial interference, some remain unexplained. A notable example is the Wow! signal, captured in 1977, which remains a mystery. Some theories suggest that these signals could be attempts at communication from advanced artificial intelligences from other star systems.

Unusual Astronomical Phenomena

Astronomical observations have detected unusual phenomena, such as stars with inexplicable brightness patterns. One example is Tabby’s Star (KIC 8462852), which has shown variations in its luminosity that some speculate could be caused by megastructures built by advanced civilizations, possibly managed by artificial intelligences.

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)

UFOs have been reported for decades, with thousands of sightings around the world. While many can be explained as aircraft, drones, or atmospheric phenomena, some cases remain unexplained. There are theories suggesting that these UFOs could be spacecraft piloted or sent by extraterrestrial artificial intelligences to observe Earth.

Testimonies and Sightings

Testimonies about UFO sightings are numerous and come from various parts of the world. Some of these sightings include descriptions of behaviors and maneuvers that seem beyond current human technological capabilities. Pilots, military personnel, and civilians have reported objects performing instant accelerations, abrupt changes in direction, and sudden disappearances.

Close Encounters

In addition to sightings, there are numerous reports of close encounters with extraterrestrial beings. In some cases, witnesses describe interactions with entities that appear non-biological, leading to speculation that they could be robots or artificial intelligences. These accounts often include descriptions of advanced technology, such as diagnostic tools and telepathic communications.

Informant and Whistleblower Testimonies

There are testimonies from informants and whistleblowers who claim to have worked on secret government projects related to extraterrestrial technology. Some of these informants suggest that governments have recovered craft and artifacts that appear to be of non-human origin and could have been built or managed by extraterrestrial artificial intelligences.

Technological Influences

There are theories that postulate that some modern technologies may have been influenced by knowledge obtained from extraterrestrial artificial intelligences. This hypothesis suggests that certain advancements in areas such as computing, medicine, and energy may have been accelerated thanks to the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technology.

Microprocessors and Integrated Circuits

Some theorists have suggested that the rapid advancement in microprocessor and integrated circuit technology during the second half of the 20th century may have been influenced by recovered extraterrestrial technology.

Fiber Optics and Lasers

The invention and development of fiber optic and laser technology have also been pointed out as possible areas of extraterrestrial influence due to the sophistication and significant impact of these advancements in communication and medicine.

Cultural Influences

Besides technology, the possible cultural influences of extraterrestrial artificial intelligences have been a subject of speculation.

Mythology and Religion

Some theories suggest that the gods and entities of various mythologies and religions could have been, in reality, extraterrestrial artificial intelligences that visited Earth in ancient times. These entities would have been interpreted as deities due to their advanced technology and seemingly miraculous capabilities.

Ancient Architecture and Monuments

Ancient monuments, such as the Pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge, and the Nazca Lines, are often cited as examples of possible extraterrestrial influences. The precision and scale of these structures lead some to speculate that they could have been built with the help of advanced technology not available to the human civilizations of the time.

The Moon as a Base of Operations

Since humanity began observing the Moon with telescopes, reports of structures and anomalies have emerged that some believe are not of natural origin. Among these findings are:

Geometric Formations

There are reports of formations that appear to have right angles and symmetry, which is rare in natural geological formations. Examples include what some call “towers” or “pyramids” on the lunar surface.

Domes and Domed Structures

Observations of dome-shaped structures have been reported, which some researchers suggest could be artificial constructions, possibly covered with regolith to camouflage themselves.

Reflective Objects

Some images show areas that reflect light unusually, leading to speculation about the existence of artificial materials on the lunar surface.

Photographic Anomalies

The Apollo missions and other robotic explorations have provided thousands of photographs of the lunar surface. In these images, several anomalies have been identified that have fueled theories of artificial structures:

Strange Shadows

There are photos showing shadows that do not correspond with the expected topography, suggesting the presence of structures casting long shadows.

Moving Objects

Some photographic sequences appear to show objects moving between shots, leading to speculation about the existence of mobile machines on the Moon.

Anomalous Craters

Flat-Bottomed Craters

Some lunar craters have flat bottoms instead of concave, which is unusual and has led to the theory that they could be underground bases covered with regolith.

Space Missions and Recent Discoveries

Apollo Missions

NASA’s Apollo missions in the 1960s and 1970s provided a wealth of data about the Moon. In addition to bringing back samples of lunar rock, the astronauts reported strange phenomena, such as lights and reflections on the lunar surface. Although these sightings may have natural explanations, they have also been interpreted as possible signs of artificial activity.

Chinese Missions

China’s Chang’e 4 mission, which landed on the far side of the Moon in 2019, has sent back interesting images and data. One of the most notable discoveries was finding a gel-like substance in a crater, sparking speculation about unknown geological or even biological processes.

NASA and ESA Missions

NASA, along with the European Space Agency (ESA), has planned new missions to the Moon, such as the Artemis program, which aims to establish a sustainable human presence on the Moon by 2028. These missions also seek to explore further the possible anomalies and unusual structures observed.

Theories on Colonization and Use of the Moon by Artificial Intelligences

A popular theory is that advanced artificial intelligences could have established underground bases on the Moon. These bases would be protected from the harsh conditions on the lunar surface and could use lunar resources, such as water ice at the poles, to sustain their operations.

Observation Centers

Another theory is that the Moon could serve as a base for observing Earth. From the lunar surface, AI entities could monitor our planet without being detected. This theory aligns with some sightings of unusual lights and structures on the Moon’s dark side, which always faces away from Earth.

Mining and Resource Extraction

The Moon has significant mineral resources, including rare metals and Helium-3, which could be valuable for nuclear fusion energy. Some theorists suggest that interstellar AIs could be mining these resources for use in their activities or to send back to their points of origin.

Robotic Missions

Future robotic missions, both from national space agencies and private companies, are expected to provide more data and high-resolution images of the lunar surface. These missions could help confirm or refute the existence of anomalous structures and other evidence of artificial activity.

Human Missions

As human missions to the Moon resume with the Artemis program and other initiatives, astronauts could directly investigate some of the areas where anomalies have been reported. The direct analysis could provide more conclusive evidence about the nature of these structures.

Interstellar Communication

Efforts to detect and communicate with extraterrestrial intelligences are likely to continue and may even intensify. The development of more advanced radio telescopes and other detection methods could lead to new discoveries about the presence of artificial intelligences in our solar system or beyond.

Ethical and Philosophical Considerations

The discovery of an interstellar artificial intelligence, especially one operating within our solar system, would have profound implications for humanity. It would challenge our understanding of life, intelligence, and our place in the universe. It could also lead to significant technological and cultural advancements, as well as new ethical dilemmas.

Ethical Dilemmas

If we discover evidence of advanced AI on the Moon or elsewhere, ethical questions will arise about our relationship with these entities. Should we attempt to communicate with them? Do we have the right to interfere with their operations? How should we respond if they attempt to contact us?

Cultural and Philosophical Questions

Such a discovery would also provoke deep philosophical and cultural questions. It could challenge religious and spiritual beliefs, forcing humanity to reconsider our origin, purpose, and destiny. It could also unite humanity in the face of a shared cosmic mystery, fostering a sense of global identity and common purpose.

The exploration of these possibilities remains in the realm of speculation for now, but as our technological capabilities and understanding of the universe grow, we may find ourselves closer to answering these profound questions.