Definition and Etymology of Abaft

1. Definition

What is, Concept or Meaning

naut. The term “abaft” is used in relation to a ship or boat to describe something that is located in the stern half of the vessel. The stern is the back end of the ship, so anything that is abaft is located behind the midpoint of the ship.

“Abaft” can be used as an adverb to describe the location of something in relation to the stern of the ship. For example, “The captain’s cabin is abaft the mainmast.” It can also be used as a preposition to describe the relative position of one thing to another in relation to the stern. For example, “The cargo hold is abaft the galley.”

2. Etymology of abaft

The word “abaft” is derived from the Old English word “æfter,” which means “behind.” It is related to the prefix “a-” (meaning “away” or “off”) and the word “aft,” which means “toward the stern.”

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The term “abaft” has been in use in English for many centuries and has been used to describe the location of something in relation to the stern of a ship. It is a nautical term that is still commonly used today to describe the location of objects or features on a vessel.

The word “abaft” has remained relatively unchanged in its spelling and meaning over time. It is a specialized term that is used primarily in relation to ships and boats, and it is not commonly used in other contexts.

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Bibliography ► (January 9, 2023). Abaft. Recovered from
