
Google Play already allows applications to lotteries and betting, but not in the whole world

Article, Business, English - August 3, 2017

Image 1. Google Play already allows applications to lotteries and betting, but not in the whole world

A major change is coming to the the policies of Google Play developer. Have ceased to be prohibited applications of lotteries and betting. Users will now be able to bet real money on Google Play, although currently in very few countries.

Currently, Google Play allows the applications of gambling games in France, Ireland and United Kingdom, as long as these applications comply with local legislation. In the future Google will allow this type of applications in more countries to allow gambling apps within their app stores.

Betting Games, the requirements:

In the Policy Center Developers provide the list of requirements that have to fulfil an application of bets to be published on Google Play. Basically they have to be free-to-download, to prevent minors to play, and that should display clear information on how to participate in gambling in a responsible manner. Also in applications for over 18 years, the advertisers can display advertisements of their games betting.

Allows content, services and advertisements that offer online gambling, provided they meet the following requirements: Applications gambling (only allowed currently in France, Ireland and the United Kingdom)

    • The developer must complete the application process correctly to distribute the application in Play.
    • The application must comply with all applicable laws and industry standards of any country in which it is distributed.
    • The developer must have a license of gambling in every one of the countries in which you distribute the application.
    • The application should ensure that users under the age of age to participate in gambling in it.
    • The application must prevent its use in countries not included in the license of betting games provided by the developer.
    • The application must not use the paid services of Google, for example, the Billing of Google Play Purchases in Applications.
    • You Must be free download and install the app from the Play Store.
    • The application must be classified as for adults only or an equivalent of the International Coalition of Classification by Age (International Age Rating Coalition, IARC).
    • The application must display clear information on how to participate in gambling in a responsible manner.
    • The application and the advertisement (as well as advertisers of gambling), must abide by all applicable laws and industry standards in all locations in the display the announcement of betting games.
    • The advertisement must meet the requirements of local licensing of all products and services related to games of betting that are promoted.
    • The application must not display gambling advertisements to users under the age of 18 years.
    • The application must not be registered in the program Designed for Families.
    • The application must not be directed to users under the age of 18 years.
    • The ad should display clear information on how to participate in betting games, whether in the landing page, in the tab of the application that is advertised or within the application itself.
    • The application is advertised in the advertisement of gambling should not be an application of simulations of gambling (that is to say, a game of entertainment without gambling with real money).

At the moment it’s unknown when Google Play will allow these applications of games of betting, gambling and lotteries in Spain for not having to continue to download apps like TuLotero from unknown sources.

More information | Google Play to Picture | Elena Elisseeva
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The news Google Play already allows applications to lotteries and betting, but not in the whole world was originally published in Xataka Android by .