
How to Write the Perfect Sales Emails That Get Responses

Business, English - August 6, 2021
Image 1. How to Write the Perfect Sales Emails That Get Responses

A sales letter is a sales pitch that is sent by email. Its recipient is either a specific person or a group of people, the so-called target audience, selected in accordance with certain parameters. The main purpose of such a letter is to sell some kind of service or product. They are used by small businesses, private entrepreneurs, and big brands alike.

In this article, we’ll show how one can write sales letters that will convert readers into customers in no time.

10 Tips on Writing Effective Sales Emails

1. Perfect your subject line.

The subject line is easily the most important component of a successful email. The subject line often determines whether a letter will be read or marked as spam and followed by ruthless deletion. Therefore, ensure that your subject line is catchy any way you can.

Try engaging the reader – look for an opportunity to create a subject line that would not only reflect the essence of your letter but also introduce some kind of intrigue, build interest, bring an element of surprise, offer something, etc. You can also utilize personalization when creating a good subject line. Read more about personalized subject lines and different effective email marketing strategies if you like learning how you should write emails that will hit your audience’s sweet spot every time.

2. Deliver value.

Sometimes it feels like you have so much to say in an email, so you end up with wordy and poorly structured plain text that will likely be ignored. Try to write clearly, focus on your topic, and mention the most important information first while you still have the reader’s attention.  Be as informative as possible, but do not overwhelm your recipient with unnecessary details.

3. Personalize.

Always personalize your emails. A sales letter works a hundredfold better when it’s meant for a specific person. For example, you can call your readers by name in a subject line. Upon hearing this tip, you may be wondering how you can mention each of your recipients by name if you have an extensive mailing list. This is not a problem, as there are many services and programs that allow doing this automatically.

4. Cater to your TA.

Only include information your target audience will find relevant. You can feature surveys on your website, send interactive emails that need a response, request your clients to fill out forms, or otherwise collect valuable information about your audience’s wants, needs, tastes, preferred offers, etc. Then you can utilize this data and send them news or offers that they will more likely be interested in.

5. Make your email pop.

As you can imagine, people receive numerous emails every day, so making them note your letter is quite challenging. You can capture the audience’s attention by adding game elements, asking readers to take short surveys, or otherwise encouraging users’ interaction with an email. You can use many things to your advantage – interactive elements, creative layout, custom images, photos, etc. Also, better to avoid using plain templates that don’t add any interest to your letter.

Image 2. How to Write the Perfect Sales Emails That Get Responses

6. Divide and conquer – use mailing list segmentation.

Emails work better if you target them to a specific group of recipients who will likely find them useful. Don’t send the same email to everybody – such an approach will make you lose many and possibly even readers, as people may unsubscribe from your emails if they will continuously find your content irrelevant and useless.

To make sales emails most effective, use mailing list segmentation – divide the audience into groups by gender, age, interests, or other characteristics, and send different emails to each group to ensure that readers receive more valuable and targeted offers.

7. Time your email right.

There are several general rules concerning the best time to start your email campaign. It is best to avoid Mondays, Fridays, and weekends, as in those days people are generally less open to any business offers you may have due to an upcoming holiday or the start of a new workweek. Experts suggest that the best days for sales emails are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. As for the time, shoot for midday or anywhere within working hours, avoiding early morning.

8. Utilize deadlines.

A time-tested trick is playing off people’s hesitance to make instant decisions. To ensure that readers take immediate action after receiving an email (for example, ordering a product), create a sense of urgency. You can offer limited-edition items that run out soon, start a sale that will end within 2 hours, etc. Such scenarios will drive people not to set an email aside for later, but to act on it right away.

9.  Keep it brief and simple.

Letter’s complexity often does you a disservice. If you want to create an effective sales email, write a letter that can be easily read even at the end of the workday, within just a couple of minutes. Don’t use complicated words, abbreviations, jargon, specific terms, etc. Remember – you can compose perfect sales letters even if you’re not great at writing because they don’t require complex figures of speech or creative writing background.

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10. Finish with a CTA.

A call to action is the most logical conclusion to a sales letter. Encourage the reader to order right away, visit a website, follow you on social media platforms, have a chat with customer support, etc. Give them specific straightforward instructions on what to do next after they read your email – this way people will feel more encouraged to further engage with your company.

Image 3. How to Write the Perfect Sales Emails That Get Responses

You’ve got mail!

If you follow these simple tips you will be able to significantly enhance email quality, make the audience interact with your letters, and pay closer attention to your brand. Never stop searching for ways to elevate your emails, make them distinctive and memorable. With a bit of love, planning, and prepping your letters will yield results you never could have anticipated.

Author’s bio.Jessica Fender is a copywriter and blogger at Writeload with a background in marketing and sales. She enjoys sharing her experience with like-minded professionals who aim to provide customers with high-quality services.