
Install HTC Sense 5 on any Android Launcher to Do

English - February 9, 2014

As we know, the device manufacturers customize Android to suit their terminals and to show them how it should be according to the system. We modifications Android stock in different layers, from features and apps to their aesthetic redesigns.

One of the most characteristic features of any device, and it might almost be defined as the letter, is the Launcher. Launcher is the application that organizes our collection of applications and allows us to throw or run them, hence its name. Here we have the task bar, menu and apps / desktops. Each launcher looks different, and it is where companies strive to create an attractive and functional interface.

As we know, Android is very customizable, and this allows us to install the launcher you want. Also, with Android KitKat from the setup menu we can switch between launchers we have installed very easily. It has never been so easy!

Sense 5

One of the most attractive and colorful launchers is that HTC designed for their devices. This interface is known as “Sense“. Its differentiation from other options is that this shows on the main screen information we are interested in a very attractive and dynamic. If you do not know you can get an idea with screenshots:

Image 1. Install HTC Sense 5 on any Android Launcher to Do Image 2. Install HTC Sense 5 on any Android Launcher to Do

So far it was not possible to carry this launcher other devices natively, but XDA member doga.ozkaraca has created the application Sense 5 DO Launcher, with which we can install the HTC Sense 5 our devices.

DO Launcher runs from Android 4.1 and to use no need to be root, we just install it from Google Play:

Application Google Play

Article Instala HTC Sense 5 on any Android Launcher to Do was published in The Free Android (The Android Blog reference. Apps, News Free Games and Android smartphones)

The Free Android