
Is In-Flight WiFi Worth Buying on a Long Flight?

Article, English, Technology - October 23, 2023
Image 1. Is In-Flight WiFi Worth Buying on a Long Flight?

Over the years, air travel has evolved significantly, offering passengers a wide range of amenities and services to make their journeys more comfortable and entertaining. One of the most recent developments is to enhance the comfort and entertainment level of passengers using in-flight WiFi.

For passengers, in-flight WiFi services like WiFionBoard are a lifeline, as they keep them connected to the internet and entertained throughout the journey. But is in-flight WiFI worth buying, especially on long-haul flights? Let us find out by discussing some points that explain the benefits of in-flight WiFi for long-haul flights and why it is worth the investment.

Stay Connected with Loved Ones

One of the most significant benefits of in-flight WiFi on long flights is that it allows you to stay connected with your friends and family while you are flying thousands of feet above the ground. By buying an in-flight WiFi service, you can stay in touch with your loved ones, share your journey, keep them informed, and even video call with in real time.

Stay Productive On The Go

For business travelers, the connectivity that in-flight WiFi provides is particularly invaluable. Business travelers need to be connected to the internet all the time to ensure that they don’t fall behind on their work during their journey. In-flight WiFi enables them to check their emails, get in touch with team members and clients, attend virtual meetings, and stay updated with work tasks.

In-flight WiFI enables business travelers to be productive while they are flying in the air so that their productivity does not come to a halt while they are traveling. In-flight WiFi services like Spirit WiFi provided by Spirit Airlines enable business professionals to be productive and make every minute of their flight count.

Access Entertainment Options

For leisure travelers, in-flight WiFi offers access to a wide array of entertainment. If work isn’t your priority during air travel, you can use social media, stream movies, TV shows, music, or even engage in online gaming. In-flight WiFi provides you access to an array of entertainment options that can make your long journey feel significantly shorter and more enjoyable. Instead of relying on traditional entertainment options, a majority of air passengers now prefer to use in-flight WiFi to access their favorite entertainment content while traveling.

These points show that investing in in-flight WiFi services during a long-haul flight is worth the investment, as it can allow you to stay productive, keep up with work tasks, join conference calls, post updates on social media, and stay in touch with your loved ones. In-flight WiFi provides you with an escape during a long-haul flight to stay entertained and connected to your flight so that you don’t get bored on a long flight that spans several hours or even more.

The Costs of In-Flight WiFi

Some airlines provide complimentary in-flight WiFi access to their passengers, but most airlines provide in-flight WiFi at a price, which is often a concern for travelers. Airlines typically offer different pricing models for in-flight WiFi, including hourly, daily, and monthly access. 

Some airlines also offer specific packages, such as Browsing (suitable for web browsing, checking email, social media, and chatting) and Streaming (suitable for streaming, web browsing, and everything else with a much faster speed). The cost of these can range from a few dollars to over $30.

The cost of in-flight WiFi varies from one airline to another and even between different routes with the same airline. For instance, in-flight WiFi might cost more on an international or transatlantic flight than on a domestic one. Generally speaking, most airlines offer a one-hour in-flight WiFI session for less than $10. Some airlines offer package deals for entire flights or frequent travelers.