
ShareLaTeX, collaborative LaTeX editor, online and with dozens of templates

English - September 8, 2013

ShareLaTeX is an excellent online LaTeX editor for create scientific documents and generally high-quality documents only possible with this simple language often seem complex but if you have the proper guidelines (eg, this recent basic manual in Spanish and in PDF, and this graphs help) or if you have a lot of templates to save considerable time in creating different types of documents.

Back to the star of the day, ShareLaTeX, is really useful for their online features that allow an efficient access without relying LaTeX editor installable software but simply from the browser, and have all the documents from anywhere. Also comes with collaborative tools (only a collaborator in the free version) and a very useful space with dozens of templates to create exams, books, scientific articles, CVs, letters and other communications, cards Business, syllabus, beamer presentations, posters and theses.

Its appearance is similar to desktop editors with syntax highlighting for the code, error highlighting, file tree and a view resulting PDF preview available at all times after pressing the Rebuild . After working on a project, you can export just the PDF or download all the files that make it run compressed ZIP folder.

If you want to share on the network staff members can be added of ShareLaTeX, generate a link to share by any means or publish directly to Twitter, Facebook and Google+, in all cases defining the viewing and editing permissions.

payment Their version stands out for its edit history, integration with Dropbox (coming Google Drive too), priority-compilation is already fast in the free version and the possibility of having up to 10 employees in each document, starts at $ 8 a month for students and $ 15 for non-students. Importantly, even in the free version is no limit on the number of executed projects and compilations.

Link: ShareLatex
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