
Free apps to learn other languages

Technology - September 18, 2019

Technology in learning

Image 1. Free apps to learn other languages

In recent decades, cell phones have become an indispensable accessory and element of citizens of developed countries,to the point that in recent years, due to the large number of applications and social networks, most individuals they feel they can’t go more than ten minutes without checking their phone or communicating with their friends and family.

However, as we manage to stay in touch with those who are far away, we miss the opportunity and habit of talking to whoever we have next to us.

However, not everything has to be worrying about the new habits developed by society around smartphones, as these can be put at our full service and benefit.

In this opportunity we bring you five apps with which you can entertain yourself with your phone while learning a new language, and best of all, almost all of them are free.

In this way, you can use your leisure time to better prepare for today’s competitive professional world, where speaking two or more languages puts you in an important position of advantage.

Free mobile apps

Here are five apps you can download to your smartphones to start studying your preferred languagein the comfort of your home, office, or while waiting at the bank or on the train:


Created by the Guatemalan Luis von Ahn, it is a free application that can be downloaded for both Android phones and Apple iOS, as well as download it to your computer, whether it’s a PC or a Mac.

Duolingo offers the user a platform where pronunciation and hearing exercises of the English, French, German and Portuguese languages are presented, posing to the participant the overcoming of challenges that are taking him through a “tree of knowledge” to measure that increases their knowledge of a specific language.


Also free, it is an application that presents itself to the user as a video game, where its protagonist Bethany tries to restore peace to the kingdom of Wibuu,as he encounters other characters with whom he speaks in English, making the same mistakes who commits a maternal spanish speaker as he learns that Anglo-Saxon language. As Bethany overcomes the challenges, the player or user advances their knowledge of English language.

Free apps to learn other languages

In recent decades, cell phones have become an indispensable accessory and element of citizens of developed countries, to the point that in recent years, due to the large number of applications and social networks, most individuals they feel they can’t go more than ten minutes without checking their phone or communicating with their friends and family.

However, as we manage to stay in touch with those who are far away, we miss the opportunity and habit of talking to whoever we have next to us.

However, not everything has to be worrying about the new habits developed by society around smartphones, as these can be put at our full service and benefit.

In this opportunity we bring you five apps with which you can entertain yourself with your phone while learning a new language, and best of all, almost all of them are free.

In this way, you can use your leisure time to better prepare for today’s competitive professional world, where speaking two or more languages puts you in an important position of advantage.

Free mobile apps

Here are five apps you can download to your smartphones to start studying your preferred language in the comfort of your home, office, or while waiting at the bank or on the train:


Created by the Guatemalan Luis von Ahn, it is a free application that can be downloaded for both Android phones and Apple iOS, as well as download it to your computer, whether it’s a PC or a Mac.

Duolingo offers the user a platform where pronunciation and hearing exercises of the English, French, German and Portuguese languages are presented, posing to the participant the overcoming of challenges that are taking him through a “tree of knowledge” to measure that increases their knowledge of a specific language.


Also free, it is an application that presents itself to the user as a video game, where its protagonist Bethany tries to restore peace to the kingdom of Wibuu, as he encounters other characters with whom he speaks in English, making the same mistakes who commits a maternal spanish speaker as he learns that Anglo-Saxon language. As Bethany overcomes the challenges, the player or user advances their knowledge of English.

As technologies advance, it creates new learning methods that greatly facilitate the way to learn a language. In fact, who was going to think that a few years ago you could carry out your own language teacher in your pocket.

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