The man who bought Google for $12

Google is the world’s most famous Internet products and services, software and electronic devices and was recently purchased for $12.

The man who bought Google for $12

Lucky Sanmay Ved

Sanmay Ved, an Indian-born man and former Google employee, bought the domain, with only a minimum of US$12, even though the bliss didn´t last him for a few seconds.

This purchase was able to be made thanks to a system failure. After completing the purchase process, he received several notifications from the company where his acquisition was confirmed, but his bliss didn´t last long and a minute later, he received an e-mail from Google Domains, informing him that the purchase had been cancelled.

After having the internet giant in his possession,the system reimbursed him the $12, but the company wanted to pay him compensation for that act of honesty; the figure it received is unknown, but it is speculated that the famous company doubled the amount of that money, because it was earmarked for the Art of Living India Foundation.

Big companies that forget to pay for their web domains

An Internet domain is an identification network linked to a group of devices or computers connected to the Internet, and It appears to be forgotten to renew it.

It all started when Sanmay was looking at the Google Domains page and suddenly discovered that the internet tycoon’s domain was free to buy it. So he didn’t think twice and got it. Obviously, deep down, he intuited that his joy would be fleeting.

Anyway, the charge of consciousness did not leave him alone and Mr. Sanmay Ved, decided to put on notice the technical and security side of the company and so, in a few moments, the business carried out was canceled.

Google isn’t the first company that something like this happens to, because in 2003, Microsoft forgot to renew its “” domain, someone bought it, and Microsoft had to ask it to return it to them.

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Bibliography ► (August 31, 2019). The man who bought Google for $12. Recovered from