
The least safe destinations for women

Curiosities, English - November 16, 2022
Image 1. The least safe destinations for women

Nowadays, many women venture out on their own to travel the world in search of new experiences. There are very dangerous places where they are more vulnerable, due to social and cultural factors. Many of them are harassed and in the worst cases, victims of all kinds of acts. Other risk factors are infectious diseases, inter-religious intimidation and high-level security problems. According to some official reports, the following are “the least safe destinations for women”.


It is considered a country where the situation is very delicate due to various scenarios such as drug trafficking and the battle between organized gangs. Multiple extortions and abuses of foreign women have been reported. For this reason, the U.S. government issued a statement suggesting not to visit cities such as Durango, Zacatecas, Veracruz and Coahuila.


It is the country with the highest homicide rate in the world. According to statistics, every 90 minutes a person’s life is taken. Drug trafficking and common crime make it a very unsafe destination for women.


Since 2009, rape rates have increased by 150%. As if that were not enough, robberies are very frequent on the beaches of Copacabana. Authorities have managed to control insecurity to some extent, but aggressions against women are increasing every day.


Although large cities such as Cairo and Alexandria have complex surveillance systems, this is not a guarantee for women who travel to these remote places, who have reported that they have suffered multiple harassment by men in that area.


Unfortunately, in this place not even the native women are spared from mistreatment and the critical situation of the country.  It is a very dangerous place; armed robberies, assaults of passion and kidnappings are a daily occurrence.


Many governments around the world warn their citizens against setting foot on Colombian territory, due to the high levels of danger. Drug trafficking, human trafficking and insecurity were the reasons for this warning. Violations are very frequent.


For many nations, it is classified as a very risky country, due to the fact that in that place there are easily accessible drugs that inhibit the will of the victims, thus facilitating violent carnal access. In places like Istanbul, women are forced to cover themselves from head to toe.

Saudi Arabia

The laws for native women are very strict and for foreign women even more so, as getting a tourist visa is very complicated and a guardian must be present. When it comes to business travel, the process is less complex.


It is the most dangerous destination for women, since 2012 the rape rate increased by 200%. Several nations issued communiqués to encourage their inhabitants to refrain from visiting that country. According to some statistics, every day 90 women are victims of rape. Cities to avoid, according to the figures, are Jammu, Kashmir, Manipur and Punjab.

With the accelerated increase of inhabitants in cities around the world, according to experts, the short, medium and long term future is clearly urban, with an estimated 66% of the population living in different cities by the year 2050. Currently, the figure is estimated at 54%. There are mega-cities with more than 10 million people and these have tripled in size since 1990 to date. There are now 31 such megacities, but the UN says there will be 41 by 2030.

Although it is true that large metropolises induce a growth in development and a reduction in poverty conditions, the accelerated expansion of a city can also lead to a large number of problems, if it does not have adequate policies to ensure equality of welfare among inhabitants, in addition to adequate infrastructure.

The countries that have been named in this list, have these megacities, but also populations where the aggressiveness against the feminine gender is of very significant degrees. It was the Thomson Reuters Foundation that officially proposed the aforementioned list.

In any case, although it is continually said that we live in a patriarchal society where men prevail, there are those who say that it is not so and that in fact, the roles have been completely reversed, but media campaigns distort reality.