
The red rain of Kerala

English - January 29, 2023
Image 1. The red rain of Kerala

Very strange things happen in the world, but because we remain in the routine of an almost sedentary life, in the noise of the city streets, thousands of phenomena are totally ignored. Now, thanks to the accelerated rise of the media, we know that there is a place on the planet where it seems to rain blood.

The red rain of Kerala – Panspermia?

Between the months of July and September 2001, in the Indian region of Kerala, a phenomenon occurred that has been causing a stir among researchers and scientists ever since. A thick, blood-red rain was falling from the sky intermittently for about two months.

The rain stained clothes and dried the leaves of some plants and was as thick as human blood.

The first hypothesis was that the rain had been dyed with sand from the Arabian desert, but it was soon discarded as this was a fairly common occurrence and quite easy to identify, and had nothing to do with this strange bloody rain.

Later, and the theory that has gained more strength until recently, is that of the terrestrial expulsion of algae or fungi in the form of spores or cells, accumulating in the stratosphere until falling in the form of rain. This theory may be credible because tornadoes or small cyclones are capable of lifting algal beds into the clouds without too much complexity. The legends of raining frogs or fish are nothing more than this, cyclones emptying small ponds and all their contents.

Now, there are small drawbacks or contradictions against this theory, first, it is estimated that about fifty tons of these particles fell from the sky, which is a rather exorbitant amount for a small cyclone and there is no news of large cyclones at that time and place.

On the other hand, the intermittent rainfall during two months and centered in that area, as everyone knows, the showers are not static and move around the geography. It is logical to think that the affected area should have followed a pattern and not have been reduced to that region for so many days.

Thirdly, in this there are some contradictions, the lack of DNA in the samples collected. All molecules except for erythrocytes (human blood) contain DNA. This gives a lot to think about because we do not know if the cells brought through the cosmos should have DNA as we know it or not.

Other theories also appeared, such as that the red rain was material dragged by the tail of some comet or even inside some meteorite that when it disintegrated at the entrance to the atmosphere released it.

The latest news on these studies is undoubtedly the most disturbing. Scientists Godfrey Louis and A. Santhosh Kumar have discovered that the wavelength of their fluorescence varies according to the stimulation they receive. This peculiarity is not repeated in any known organism. These researchers believe that this fact, together with the fact that they can reproduce at 300 degrees Celsius, indicates that “they are possibly of extraterrestrial origin”.

For many people, this is a clear case of panspermia, or the spread of life between planets. Many believe that life on our planet originated millions of years ago in a similar way.

Some precedents and official scientific explanations

Red showers are a rare atmospheric phenomenon in which rain falls red or pinkish in color. This is due to the presence of a large amount of suspended particles in the atmosphere, such as dust, salt, microorganisms or diatoms, which mix with the rain and color it.

There are several possible causes of red rain, some natural and some human-made. One natural cause may be the eruption of a volcano, which releases large amounts of ash and dust into the atmosphere that then fall as rain. Another natural cause may be the presence of diatoms, single-celled marine organisms with silicate skeletons that can be carried by winds and fall as rain.

On the other hand, there are human causes, such as industrial activity, which releases suspended particles into the atmosphere and can fall as rain. Another human cause can be deforestation, which, by removing plants, allows soil erosion and sediments can be transported by winds and fall as rain.

In some cases, red rains have been reported in various parts of the world, such as India, Australia, Africa, Europe, North and South America. However, it is not a common phenomenon, and is often caused by specific events, such as volcanic eruptions or industrial activity. It is important to note that red rains can have negative impacts on human health and the environment, as they may contain toxic or harmful substances.

The Kerala red rains event caused concern among the local population due to possible impacts on human health and the environment. Investigations and studies were conducted to assess the effects of the red rains and measures were implemented to prevent future similar events. Although an exact cause has not been found, research continues and measures were put in place to avoid future events.