Karl Otto Apel’s famous quotes

Karl Otto Apel’s famous quotes

 “A people who lack the capacity for criticism provided by reflection from universalist principles; a people who do not want to argue so that their arguments are also convincing to adversaries, have lost the Logos’ own initiative to rationally direct history and are passively waiting for any warlord who knows how to persuade them.”

A thinker who made the mark

Again, another highly important thinker points out and accuses the absurd tendency of peoples in the history of the last centuries to be persuaded and deceived by a political leader who,with emotional and strategic words, manages to convince an entire people for late , to satisfy their interests and those of their henchmen, resulting in the society we have today.

Despite seeing the results we have today, the masses choose to continue to believe that one day a saving politician will appear to change everything. But the facts have spoken.

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“In my opinion, the superiority of Pierce’s Semiotics is that it can make understandable the internal connection between synthetic reasoning processes and the linguistic interpretation of the world.”

Pierce was a brilliant mind that attracted the attention of many other scholars, such as Karl Otto Apel, is that Semiotics is not a dead science of dead language, but goes directly to the way we perceive the world and interpret it.

“the ethics of discourse come not only from the pragmatic-transcendental analogy of the ‘kingdom of ends’ of counterfactually early communication, but at the same time, from the a priori of the ‘factcity’ of the real community of communication”

“You cannot philosophically validate the critical principle, if we apply it to everything”

Undoubtedly, Karl becomes obsessed and focuses very strongly on the issues of Transcendental Semiotics and all that this entails such as the universal circumstances corresponding to the pragmaticness of communication.

Bibliography ►
Phoneia.com (June 30, 2019). Karl Otto Apel’s famous quotes. Recovered from https://phoneia.com/en/education/karl-otto-apels-famous-quotes/