
How to find more time for yourself through proper use of your mobile phone

Business, English - July 1, 2022
Image 1. How to find more time for yourself through proper use of your mobile phone

Some people keep complaining that they don’t have enough time for themselves, to complete all those leisure or recreational activities that they would like to combine with work, family and social commitments. It is a mantra repeated over and over again, as if it were a complex and insurmountable problem. They all seem unaware that the solution to their problems is right in front of them, more precisely in their pocket. In fact, our smartphone is a perfect ally for optimising our time, for creating new opportunities that we never imagined we would be able to seize, bringing concrete and effective improvements in our everyday lives.

The mobile phone, once regarded as a simple (albeit somewhat cumbersome) communication tool, is now considered an indispensable means of entertainment, as if it were a mere dispenser of multimedia content to be accessed in the dead moments of our days, when we don’t know exactly what to do. Some may be surprised to hear this, but you can rest assured that your mobile phone can give you something far more useful than a Netflix movie, a social media noticeboard or a video game to spend several hours of your time with. You too can expect much more from yourself and your technological devices: no one is forcing you to spend hours and hours of your time on watching films or TV series, on pornographic content or social media, all rather passive activities that bring no value to your days. On the contrary, all these activities will rob you of valuable time and energy, killing your productivity and leading you inevitably to unhappiness.

Abandon harmful habits

The most tragic aspect of these habits, incredibly, is that they are carried out almost automatically and unconsciously, as if the user is not really aware of the time they spend in front of their smartphone without doing anything useful. These people, in most cases, are the same ones who complain that they do not have enough time for the other activities in their lives, for all that social media and the inordinate use of smartphones have taken away from us forever (unless we make amends in good time). To realise the truth of this phenomenon, one only has to look at the data on people’s daily use of smartphones: certain categories of individuals – often including the young and very young – spend even more than four or five hours a day on their smartphones, almost always on social media or instant messaging apps, which seem to absorb all their attention. If all these people would start using their mobile phones in a more productive and intelligent way, they would surely notice an incredible range of benefits, large and small, that would lead to an inevitable improvement in their living conditions and optimisation of their time.

Explore your online stores

Spend some time exploring the online stores dedicated to app downloads, carefully browsing through the different categories available. Pay particular attention to the productivity area of the store, and choose two or three apps that you will start using on a daily basis. Having an eye on your objectives, priorities and projects to be developed, in an orderly and easily accessible manner, can certainly help you achieve your goals and complete the tasks you have already started, thus freeing up a lot more time that you can reuse for leisure. A daily usage limiter on your phone can also help you spend less time on applications that are of no use to you, concentrating instead on those that could bring you more time and money.

Knowing how to use one’s mobile phone more productively may sometimes unveil entertainment opportunities we never even suspected existed. The most popular online gambling portals have begun to present all players with a rich assortment of sites where they can place their bets, easily and safely, with the guarantee that they are only navigating and betting within sites that are safe, reliable and punctual in payments. These sites are in fact carefully selected by a team of experts composed of professionals in the sector, who carry out daily research and analysis in order to propose only the best betting platforms that can be found online.

Use your phone productively for a month, take note of the improvements in your life and look at yourself after one or two months: you will be a completely different, healthier and happier person, the best version of yourself.