
How to play the hidden game of Android 10

English - September 8, 2019

Image 1. How to play the hidden game of Android 10

At the beginning of this week finally came the final version of Android 10, and between all the new features, find a hidden game that hides inside of your classic easter egg.

this Is a Picross game o Nonogramas, a puzzle that we have to color the correct cells of a grid to discover the figure that hides, in this case with icons to the Android system.

How to activate the easter egg of Android 10

Image 2. How to play the hidden game of Android 10

in order To access the hidden game of Android 10 the first thing we need to do is to turn your easter eggto do this we need to follow these steps:

  1. Access to Settings > about phone > Android Version.
  2. Tap many times in a row on Android Version.

It will activate the easter egg of Android 10, that is is nothing more than the logo of the new version of the operating system. You’ll be able to move your letters around the screen, but to access your secret game we have to do one more step.

Image 3. How to play the hidden game of Android 10

In Xataka Android

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How to turn your secret game

Image 4. How to play the hidden game of Android 10

To play the Nonograma Android 10 you have to make a long press on the number 1 to rotate. You have to rotate 45 degrees to to move it above the number zero to form a Q, Android Q. once you have done this already so you will only have to hit it several times in a row on the new letter Q to access the game.

Image 5. How to play the hidden game of Android 10

If you don’t know how to play to a Nonograma, in the grid you’ll see in the first column and the top row the number of boxes that have that coloring. With the phone in landscape you will see the top row and with the mobile in vertical column. From there you’ll have to paint the dash and find the icon that hides.

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The news How to play the hidden game of Android 10 was originally published in Xataka Android by Cosmos.

Xataka Android