
Make your external devices Bluetooth receive notifications from your Android

English - September 2, 2013

Although with the recent release of Android 4.3 seemed that the improvements were more oriented to the improvement of system performance, small bug fixes and new features, there is one that we can not ignore and were the great improvements on Bluetooth technology extending and enlarging the range associated with this wireless technology giving more and better support besides reducing battery consumption of it.

If you’re pretty active in the use of different applications that use Internet, you may receive many notifications throughout the day from email, social networks, news about our football team, notice of a meeting or event, a new WhatsApp or something as traditional as receiving an SMS.

While the most important and basic in a smartphone if we can do without losing sight of what we are doing as in the case of calls using a headset, the rest of all you get notifications if we condiciendo or doing anything else that requires our attention is distracted.

As long as usual in Android, developers are often to solve problems as usual that make it possible in the future depending on the acceptance of people towards this possibility can be included in the code Android and an example of this is Botifier.

Botifier has been released to solve the problem of distractions as we receive the notifications in Android and send to any external device AVRCP 1.3 support besides having Android device with version 4.3

Botifier to:

  • Show notifications car radio or other Bluetooth capable device.
  • Show the artist, song or album that is ringing on your phone.
  • Play voice

  • notifications via TTS (text to speech) to not have to avert your eyes to read.
  • Show the full notification text is configurable but the number of characters to display.
  • Use the arrow next or previous song to navigate between notifications.
  • Use the key Play / Pause to remove notifications once read or received.

For all this, besides having an external device with Bluetooth capability and a terminal with the API corresponding to run it as is with Android 4.3 will need to activate notifications from Settings -> Security -> Notification Settings.

You can download this application from the thread corresponding XDA-Developers and access to its source code in case you want to improve or use this application should be a developer.

Source: Redmonpie

Article was published in The Free Android (The Android Blog reference. Apps, News, Games and Free Android smartphones)


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