
The power of lasers: A new era in liquid cooling

English, Technology - May 31, 2023
Image 1. The power of lasers: A new era in liquid cooling

Laser cooling is a fundamental technology in many fields, from electronics to medicine. It allows the temperature of laser devices to be maintained at optimal levels, preventing heating damage and improving their efficiency and lifetime. Over the years, different approaches to laser cooling have been developed, and in this article we will explore some of the new advances and approaches in this exciting area of research.

Before delving into the new approaches, it is important to understand the basic principles of laser cooling. Lasers generate a large amount of heat during operation, which can negatively affect their performance. To avoid this, it is necessary to keep lasers at low and stable temperatures. Laser cooling is based on the transfer of heat from the laser device through different media, such as liquids or gases, using conduction, convection or radiation techniques.

One of the traditional approaches to laser cooling is the use of liquid cooling systems. In these systems, a cooling liquid, such as water or a mixture of water and glycol, is circulated around the laser device to extract the heat generated. This technique has been widely used and is effective in maintaining stable temperatures in low to medium power lasers. However, it can be less efficient and costly for high-power lasers, as it requires more complex and higher-capacity cooling systems.

A more recent approach to laser cooling is the use of gas cooling systems. Instead of liquids, gases, such as helium or nitrogen, are used to transfer heat from the laser device. These gases can provide greater efficiency in terms of heat dissipation, as they have a higher specific heat capacity than liquids. In addition, gas cooling systems can be more compact and less expensive than liquid cooling systems, making them attractive for applications where space and cost are critical factors.

Another innovative approach in laser cooling is the use of thermoelectric materials. Thermoelectric materials are capable of converting a temperature difference into an electrical potential difference, and vice versa, through the thermoelectric effect. These materials can be used to cool laser devices by applying an electric current that generates a temperature gradient.

This approach offers the advantage of not requiring liquids or gases for cooling, which simplifies design and reduces costs. In addition, thermoelectric materials can provide more localized and precise cooling, which is especially useful in high-density laser devices or in space applications where weight and size are critical.

Apart from the above approaches, laser cooling research continues to advance in different areas. One promising area is the use of nanofluidic materials for laser cooling. Nanofluids are liquids containing dispersed nanoparticles, which give them enhanced thermal properties. These materials can improve heat transfer by increasing the thermal conductivity of the cooling liquid. Similarly, nanofluids can be designed to have specific optical properties, which could allow for more precise temperature control and greater efficiency in laser cooling.

Another emerging approach is the use of quantum effects-based cooling. Quantum effects-based laser cooling uses principles of quantum mechanics to cool laser devices to extremely low temperatures, close to absolute zero. This approach is based on the idea of using photon emission and absorption to transfer thermal energy from the laser device to a cold environment. Although still in the early stages of research, laser cooling based on quantum effects has the potential to revolutionize the cooling of laser devices, enabling better performance and greater stability.

Potential applications of laser cooling in various fields

Laser cooling has a wide range of applications in various fields due to its capabilities to maintain the optimum temperature of laser devices. Below are some of the potential applications of laser cooling in different areas:

Electronics: In the electronics industry, laser cooling can be used to cool high-power semiconductor devices such as radio frequency (RF) transistors and integrated circuits. By maintaining a suitable temperature, the performance and efficiency of these devices is improved, leading to more reliable operation and longer life.

Medicine and biotechnology: In medicine, laser cooling can be useful in surgical procedures and dermatological treatments. For example, in laser surgery, maintaining a low temperature in the surrounding tissue can minimize thermal damage and speed patient recovery. Also, in biotechnology, laser cooling can be used to cool high-resolution laser microscopes, enabling better observation and analysis of biological samples.

Optical communication: In high-speed optical communication systems, laser cooling can be essential to maintain the stability and accuracy of lasers used in optical signal transmission. By avoiding excessive heating, frequency fluctuations are reduced and the quality and reliability of optical transmissions are improved.

Materials science: In the research and development of new materials, laser cooling can be used to study the thermal and electrical properties of materials at extremely low temperatures. This can be especially relevant in the study of superconducting materials, which exhibit unique properties at low temperatures.

Quantum research: In quantum research, laser cooling plays a crucial role in the manipulation and control of quantum systems. By cooling superconducting atoms, ions or circuits to ultra-low temperatures, highly coherent and stable quantum states can be achieved, which is essential for applications in quantum computing, quantum communication and high-precision quantum sensors.

Emerging technologies: How lasers are changing liquid cooling

Liquid cooling is a widely used technology in many applications, from computer cooling systems to air conditioning systems. Traditionally, liquid cooling has been achieved using conventional methods such as conduction, convection and radiation. However, advances in laser technology are opening up new possibilities and changing the way liquid cooling can be achieved.

One of the emerging technologies in this field is laser liquid cooling. This technique uses high-power lasers to directly cool the target liquid. The principle behind this is the phenomenon known as selective absorption laser cooling. When a high-power laser is applied to a liquid, certain wavelengths of the laser are selectively absorbed by the liquid, while other wavelengths are reflected or transmitted. This results in localized heating of the liquid in areas where the laser light is absorbed.

However, laser cooling of liquids is not simply a matter of locally heating and cooling the liquid. The most interesting effect occurs when the temperature of the liquid increases due to selective laser absorption, resulting in partial evaporation of the liquid. This evaporation consumes a large amount of thermal energy, which in turn cools the remaining liquid. As a result, a significant reduction in liquid temperature is achieved compared to conventional cooling methods.

Liquid laser cooling offers several advantages. First, it allows for more efficient and precise cooling, as the laser can be selectively applied to areas where additional cooling is required. This is especially useful in high-power electronic devices, where certain areas may generate more heat than others. In addition, laser liquid cooling can be used to cool liquids with high thermal conductivity, such as liquid metals, which are difficult to cool with conventional methods.

Another key advantage of this technology is its ability to operate in extreme environments, such as space. In space, where there is no air for convection and limited radiation, conventional cooling becomes challenging. However, liquid laser cooling can overcome these limitations by harnessing the energy of the laser to achieve cooling without relying on traditional means.

While liquid laser cooling is a promising technology, there are still technical challenges that need to be addressed. For example, precise control of laser power and intensity is crucial to avoid damage to the liquid or surrounding devices. In addition, selection of the laser wavelength and optimization of the cooling parameters require further research and development.

Successful experiments: examples of laser cooling of liquids

Although laser liquid cooling is an emerging technology, there have been some successful experiments demonstrating its feasibility. Below are some examples of laser liquid cooling experiments:

Water cooling: In 2015, researchers at the University of Washington conducted an experiment in which they used a blue diode laser to cool water. The laser was tuned to a specific wavelength that matches the maximum absorption of water. By irradiating the water with the laser, partial evaporation and significant cooling of up to 6 degrees Celsius below room temperature was achieved.

Cooling liquid metals: In 2018, scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory conducted an experiment to cool liquid metals using a high-power laser. They used an ultrafast pulsed laser to selectively heat a small region of the liquid metal, resulting in partial evaporation and localized cooling. This approach allowed the liquid metal to be cooled in an efficient and controlled manner.

Cooling magnetic liquids: In 2020, researchers at the University of Mainz in Germany conducted an experiment in which they used a laser to cool magnetic liquids. Magnetic liquids contain magnetic particles suspended in a carrier liquid. By applying a pulsed infrared laser to the magnetic liquids, localized heating and rapid transfer of thermal energy from the magnetic particles to the liquid was generated, resulting in effective cooling.

Advantages and limitations of laser cooling compared to conventional methods

Laser cooling offers several advantages compared to conventional cooling methods. Some of these advantages include:

Efficiency and precision: laser cooling allows for more efficient and precise cooling by focusing the laser on specific areas that require further cooling. This avoids excessive cooling of unnecessary areas and optimizes energy usage.

Selective cooling: Laser cooling can selectively cool certain parts of a device or material, which is especially useful in high-power electronic devices or in complex systems where different components may generate heat unevenly.

Cooling in extreme environments: Laser cooling is a viable option in environments where conventional cooling methods, such as convection or radiation, are not effective. This includes vacuum environments, confined spaces or high temperature conditions.

Greater temperature control: Laser cooling allows for greater temperature control, which is essential in sensitive applications where a constant and precise temperature is required.

Despite these advantages, laser cooling also has some limitations that must be taken into account:

Cost and complexity: Laser cooling can be expensive and technical to implement, requiring specialized laser equipment and sophisticated control systems. This may limit its adoption in certain contexts.

Potential damage: The use of high-power lasers can pose a risk of damage, both to the liquid being cooled and to surrounding components. It is crucial to have precise control of laser power and intensity to avoid damage.

Limited thermal efficiency: Although laser cooling can provide effective localized cooling, its overall thermal efficiency can be lower compared to conventional methods. This is due to energy losses associated with the generation of laser light and the conversion of thermal energy into optical energy.

Dependence on selective absorption: Laser cooling depends on the ability of the target liquid to selectively absorb certain laser wavelengths. This may limit its applicability to liquids with suitable absorption properties.