
The Secret Door, a new perspective on Google maps

English - February 19, 2013

How we like to poke around remote areas and use Google Maps or Street View to find inner and outer regions unknown to us.

In this context we discover

The Secret Door, a site that blends technology with Google Maps the magic of visiting new environments where aesthetics and atmosphere are the strengths. With a mesmerizing background music, we enter the 3D tours of The Secret Door, routes that are random and whose scenarios will change as we go by clicking on “ take me somewhere else “. It is curious that we will not have to meditate or reflect what we see in that moment: the tool will do it for us.

Personally I made a trip of about 20 minutes by exotic Asian jungles, shopping bags Chinese interior houses American farmers, panoramas with huge asteroid craters in Arizona or comic stores tens of square meters. If you want to take a trip and discover new small random regions of the world, please try this tool.
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