
The truth about genetically modified foods: savior or danger?

English, Technology - April 22, 2023
Image 1. The truth about genetically modified foods: savior or danger?

GM foods are foods that have been genetically modified to improve their resistance to diseases, pests and herbicides, as well as to increase their yield and quality. This technology, known as genetic engineering, has been the subject of controversy due to concerns about its safety and long-term effects on health and the environment.

To understand how GM foods are produced, it is important to know the basics of genetic engineering. Scientists use specialized techniques to transfer genes from one species to another, or to modify existing genes within a species. This process is carried out in a laboratory, using advanced technology and rigorous quality control methods.

Most transgenic foods are produced using a technique called “recombinant DNA”. This involves the insertion of a specific gene into the DNA of a plant or animal in order to enhance a desired characteristic. For example, a gene that confers resistance to an insect can be inserted into a crop plant in the hope of reducing the need for pesticides.

Once the desired gene has been identified, it is cloned in large quantities to create multiple copies. The gene is then inserted into the DNA of the target plant or animal using special biotechnology techniques. In some cases, several different genes can be inserted into an organism to achieve multiple improvements at once.

Once transgenic plants or animals have been produced, rigorous testing is conducted to evaluate their safety and effectiveness. Scientists evaluate the effects on human and animal health, as well as on the environment. If the product is deemed safe and effective, it can be authorized for commercial use and labeled as a transgenic food.

Despite advances in GM food technology, there is much controversy about its long-term safety and effectiveness. Some groups argue that genetic engineering can have negative effects on biodiversity and the environment, and that there are concerns about the safety of GM foods for human and animal consumption. Other groups support GM food technology, arguing that it can help solve global food safety problems and reduce reliance on chemical pesticides and herbicides.

Benefits and risks of GM foods

Transgenic foods, also known as genetically modified organisms (GMOs), are a topic of great controversy due to the benefits and risks associated with their production and consumption. Here are some of the main benefits and risks of GM foods:

Benefits of GM foods:

Increased disease and pest resistance: GM crops can be genetically modified to better resist diseases and pests, reducing the need for pesticides and herbicides.

Increased food production: GM crops can also be genetically modified to produce more food per hectare of land, which can help reduce food shortages in regions with food security problems.

Improved food quality: GM crops can also be genetically modified to improve food quality, such as taste, texture and shelf life.

Increased profitability for farmers: Increased disease and pest resistance and increased food production can reduce production costs and increase profits for farmers.

Risks of GM foods:

Possible negative health effects: Although studies on the long-term effects of GM foods on human health are limited, some studies have suggested possible negative effects, such as allergies and antibiotic resistance.

Possible negative effects on the environment: GM crops may have negative effects on the environment, such as genetic contamination and loss of biodiversity.

Long-term uncertainty: Due to the lack of long-term studies, it is uncertain what effects GM foods may have on human health and the environment in the long term.

Ethical issues: Some people consider genetic modification of food to be immoral and unnatural, and GM foods pose a threat to the genetic diversity of crops.

The GM food labeling debate

The labeling of GM foods is a topic of great controversy in many countries. Proponents of labeling argue that consumers have a right to know whether the food they are buying contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs). On the other hand, opponents argue that labeling is costly and that GM foods are safe for human consumption. In this article, we will explore the arguments on both sides of the debate.

In favor of GM food labeling:

Proponents of GM food labeling argue that consumers have a right to know what they are buying and eating. They argue that labeling is necessary to enable consumers to make informed decisions about the foods they buy and to help people who wish to avoid GMOs for personal or health reasons.

In addition, labeling proponents also argue that labeling is not costly and that the food industry already has labeling systems in place. According to them, adding an additional label to indicate whether a product contains GMOs should not be a problem.

Against GM food labeling:

Opponents of GM food labeling argue that labeling is expensive and that the costs will be passed on to consumers. In addition, they argue that GM foods are safe for human consumption and that labeling could lead to unnecessary stigmatization of GM foods.

They also point out that labeling can be confusing to consumers, as many of the foods we eat contain ingredients that have been genetically modified in some way, but are not necessarily GMOs. In addition, they argue that labeling could be used by interest groups to create a negative impression about GM foods.

Farmers’ perspective on GM foods

The farmers’ perspective on GM foods is important for understanding the effects of genetically modified (GMO) crops on the agricultural industry. Although farmers have different opinions about GMOs, there are certain commonalities that can help us understand their perspective.

Benefits of GM crops for farmers:

One of the main benefits farmers see in GM crops is their resistance to pests and diseases. GM crops can contain genes that make them more resistant to pests and diseases, which reduces the need for pesticides and herbicides. In addition, GM crops can also be more resistant to extreme weather conditions, reducing crop losses.

Another important benefit of GM crops is their yield. GM crops can produce more per hectare than conventional crops, which increases productivity and profitability for farmers.

Disadvantages of GM crops for farmers:

Despite the advantages, there are some disadvantages that farmers see in GM crops. One of the main problems is the dependence of farmers on large biotechnology corporations. These corporations control the intellectual property of GM crops and often require farmers to buy seeds and chemicals from them. This can increase costs for farmers and limit their freedom to choose what to grow and how.

In addition, there are also concerns about biodiversity and the long-term impact of GM crops on the environment. GM crops can negatively affect biodiversity and soil quality, and may have unknown effects on local ecosystems.

Are GM foods safe for human consumption?

The safety of GM foods for human consumption is a controversial issue that has generated much discussion and debate. Most scientists and government regulators around the world have concluded that GM foods are safe for human consumption, but some consumer groups and environmentalists have concerns about possible long-term health effects.

Food safety studies are conducted by the developers of GM crops prior to commercialization. The studies are designed to assess possible negative effects on human health and the environment, and to ensure that the crops are safe for human consumption. The results of these studies are reviewed and evaluated by regulatory agencies around the world before GM crops are allowed to be commercialized.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), GM foods currently available on the market are safe for human consumption. The WHO indicates that no adverse effects on human health related to the consumption of GM foods have been found. In addition, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) have also stated that GM foods are safe for human consumption.

However, some critics argue that not enough long-term safety studies have been conducted to fully assess the effects of GM foods on human health. They also argue that more independent research is needed on the potential long-term effects of GM foods on human health.

In recent years, various claims have been circulated about GM foods and their link to cancer. Some groups have argued that GM foods can be dangerous to human health, and that they can cause cancer and other health problems. However, scientific research so far has found no evidence that GM foods cause cancer.

A 2012 study by French scientist Gilles-Eric Séralini claimed to have found a link between GM corn and the herbicide Roundup and an increased risk of cancer in rats. However, this study was widely criticized by the scientific community for its questionable methods and conclusions. The study was subsequently withdrawn by the journal that published it, but the controversy continues.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an agency of the World Health Organization (WHO), has evaluated the risks of GM foods and has found no evidence that GM foods cause cancer in humans. The IARC has also stated that GM foods are safe for human consumption.

A 2014 study published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology examined the long-term effects of GM corn on the health of rats and found no evidence that GM corn causes cancer. The researchers found no significant differences in tumor incidence between rats that had been fed GM corn and those that had been fed conventional corn.

In 2015, EFSA published a report that assessed the health risks of GM crops in the European Union. The report concluded that there was no evidence that GM crops cause cancer or other health problems in humans.

Many scientists are opposed to the development of transgenic foods, due to the multiple effects they have on the body.