
Unit 42: the Belgian series that is conquering the world

English, Film - May 13, 2023
Image 1. Unit 42: the Belgian series that is conquering the world

Unit 42 is a Belgian series in the police genre that premiered in 2017 and recently arrived on Netflix, where it has conquered viewers around the world. The series follows the adventures of a team specializing in cybercrime, made up of a widowed policeman, a former hacker, an internet expert and a former drug dealer. Together, they tackle the most complex and dangerous cases involving technology and the criminals who use it for their evil ends.

The series combines suspense, action, drama and humor, with well-constructed characters and a plot that reflects the current challenges of digital society. Unit 42 is a series that not only entertains, but also invites reflection on the risks and opportunities offered by the connected world. With two seasons available on Netflix, Unit 42 is a series not to be missed if you like police thrillers with a touch of originality and topicality.

European television has seen a boom in the production of police series in recent years. One of them is “Unit 42”, a Belgian police series that has attracted attention for its focus on digital crimes in the current era. The series is the brainchild of Julie Bertrand, Annie Carels and Charlotte Joulia, and premiered in 2017 on Belgian television. Since then, it has won the hearts of audiences and has been critically acclaimed.

“Unit 42” follows a team of detectives investigating digital crimes in the city of Brussels. The team is led by lead sergeant Sam Leroy (Patrick Ridremont), a tough but fair man who has trouble balancing his job with his personal life. Joining him is ambitious young detective Billie Vebber (Constance Gay), who struggles to find her place on the team. There’s also computer expert Nassim (Aboubakr Bensaihi) and expert social media analyst Alice (Danitza Athanassiadis).

What makes “Unit 42” different from other police series is its focus on digital crimes. In today’s age, computer crimes are becoming increasingly common and sophisticated, and the series reflects this reality in its plot. The characters must face complex technological challenges to solve their cases, which makes the series more exciting and relevant to today’s audience.

Another interesting aspect of “Unit 42” is its realistic depiction of the city of Brussels. The series is filmed in the Belgian capital, and its locations have become a character in the plot. Viewers can explore the city through the series and discover historical and cultural sites they might not otherwise know about.

“Unit 42” stands out for its diverse cast and well-developed characters. The series features characters from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, reflecting the multicultural reality of Brussels. The characters also have their own personal struggles and dilemmas, which makes them more human and relatable to the audience.

The main characters of Unit 42: who are they and what motivates them?

The main characters of “Unit 42” are a team of detectives in charge of solving digital crimes in the city of Brussels. Each of them has a unique background and personal motivation that leads them to work in this specific field of policing.

The main character is lead sergeant Sam Leroy, played by Patrick Ridremont. Sam is a tough and seasoned man who has vast experience in policing. His main motivation is to bring justice and protect the people of the city. However, he also struggles with personal issues such as a strained relationship with his teenage son and his ex-wife, which often gets in the way of his work.

Detective Billie Vebber, played by Constance Gay, is the youngest of the team and is constantly searching for her place on the team. Billie is ambitious and dedicated to her work, but is also prone to making mistakes due to her inexperience. Her primary motivation is to do exceptional work and earn the respect of her teammates.

Computer expert Nassim, played by Aboubakr Bensaihi, is responsible for conducting technical research in the team. Nassim is a technology expert and his main motivation is to solve cases using his specialized knowledge. He also has a strained relationship with his family, which often distracts him from his work.

Finally, social media expert analyst Alice, played by Danitza Athanassiadis, is in charge of researching information in social media and the digital world. Alice is a reserved and meticulous person, who takes her job very seriously. Her main motivation is to solve cases using data found online. She also has personal issues related to her family, which affect her performance at work.

As a whole, the Unit 42 team is motivated to bring justice and solve digital crimes in the city of Brussels. Each character has their own personal struggle, which makes them more human and relatable to the audience. The series uses this to give a complete and realistic picture of the police and the challenges they face in the digital age.

The plot of Unit 42: digital crimes and personal problems

The plot of “Unit 42” revolves around a team of detectives tasked with solving digital crimes in the city of Brussels. The series addresses issues related to cybercrime, hacking, surveillance and misuse of technology.

Each episode of the series features a new and exciting case that the team must solve using their specialized skills and knowledge. From financial crime to online harassment and child exploitation, the cases tackled by the Unit 42 team are varied and complex.

But the series doesn’t just focus on digital crimes, it also explores the personal struggles of each character on the team. The personal problems faced by the detectives are intertwined with the main plot, adding an emotional dimension to the series.

For example, lead character Sam Leroy must deal with a strained relationship with his teenage son, who often gets in the way of his work. Detective Billie Vebber is constantly searching for her place on the team and struggles to be taken seriously due to her inexperience. Computer expert Nassim must deal with pressure from his family to quit his job with the police and find a more stable job.

These personal problems add depth and complexity to the series, allowing viewers to relate to the characters in a more up close and personal way.

Technological realism in Unit 42: how accurate is the depiction of technology in the series?

“Unit 42” is known for its technological realism and for providing an accurate representation of the technology used in digital crime investigation today.

The series relies on extensive research to ensure the accuracy of the technology used in each episode. The team behind the series works with cybersecurity and technology experts to ensure that the tools, techniques and procedures used by the characters are realistic and accurate.

The series also addresses current and relevant issues, such as the misuse of personal data, ransomware, online child exploitation and online bullying. The series not only presents these issues in a realistic manner, but also addresses them in depth, providing a clear and comprehensive view of the nature of these crimes.

The series focuses on the importance of cooperation between law enforcement and technology companies in the fight against cybercrime. This reflects the reality of fighting cybercrime today, as technology companies and law enforcement work together to address these challenges.

The locations of Unit 42: discovering the city of Brussels through the series

One of the most interesting things about “Unit 42” is how it uses the city of Brussels as a backdrop for the series. The city becomes more of a character in the plot, and the series takes advantage of the various locations to give a complete picture of the city.

The series shows a variety of locations in the city, from residential neighborhoods to office skyscrapers to busy streets and less touristy neighborhoods. This allows viewers to get to know Brussels in a different way and discover places that do not appear in the guidebooks.

In addition, the series offers a unique perspective on the city through the lens of digital crime investigation. Unit 42 works throughout the city, with detectives delving into lesser-known locations to investigate cases. This allows the viewer to get to know Brussels in a more authentic way and see places that wouldn’t normally be on the radar.

It is also interesting to see how the series uses the architecture and cityscapes of Brussels to reflect the emotional state of the characters. For example, Sam Leroy’s character lives in an apartment in a residential neighborhood, reflecting his private life and his attempt to find a balance between work and family life. In contrast, Detective Billie Vebber lives in a small, modest apartment in a downtown area, reflecting her work situation and her struggle to be taken seriously on the team.

The best scenes of Unit 42: key moments of the first season

The first season of “Unit 42” has many memorable and exciting scenes. Here are some of the season’s standout scenes:

The first case: The first episode of the season features Unit 42’s first case. In this episode, the team investigates a hack that has left a hospital without power. The scene in which the team enters the hospital in complete darkness and with the help of flashlights is intense and exciting.

The threat of a massive cyberattack: In episode 2, the team discovers a massive cyberattack in the making. The scene in which the team realizes the magnitude of the attack and the urgency to stop it is tense and exciting.

The traffic system hack: In episode 3, the team investigates a hack of the city’s traffic system. The scene in which the team discovers that the hack has caused a traffic accident is shocking and shows the seriousness of digital crimes.

The Motorcycle Chase: In episode 4, Detectives Leroy and Vebber chase a suspect on a motorcycle. The chase scene is exciting and well choreographed, showing the talent of the detectives and the adrenaline of the situation.

The discovery of the real culprit: In episode 10, the team finally discovers who is behind the crimes they have been investigating all season. The scene in which the team discovers the truth is exciting and satisfying, effectively closing the season.