
What happens when the body dies

English - February 23, 2023
Image 1. What happens when the body dies

Death is one of the most mysterious and enigmatic events that every living being experiences, and what is most shocking about this event is that it is not known for sure what happens to the soul that is supposed to leave the body. Some scholars of the subject assure that the soul is immortal and that the only thing that dies is the body.

There are some researchers who dare to deny that there is anything beyond this life and affirm with total certainty that everything ends when the senses are extinguished. But there are also a great number of authors who consider that the soul continues its journey or at least repeats it in that dimension and then returns again to Earth to live according to what it deserves for its previous behavior. But the only thing we can know for sure is what happens to the physical body, and in this opportunity we will deal with this corporeal question. Here are some curious and shocking facts about the body when it dies:

The afterlife according to quantum scientists

Robert Lanza, a renowned American scientist specializing in the atom, asserts that he has the necessary evidence to certify that there is life beyond the grave and that the process of dying is not as we always perceive it. In his own words he argues:

“Essentially, the idea of dying is something we have always been taught to accept, but in reality it only exists in our minds,” Lanza believes. Also, obviously, we believe in death because we associate with our bodies and we know that physical bodies die.

The stomach is still alive

According to some scientific studies, the stomach of a person who has died continues to function up to 48 hours after death. If the body is left intact during this time, stomach acids begin to release a toxic gas that invades the body and causes it to explode.

The light at the end of the tunnel

This is a very popular event that has been endorsed by thousands of people who have experienced it. It is an experience in which the human being dies for a few seconds and sees himself going through a tunnel, which at the end has a very intense and bright light. Some scholars of these subjects assure that it is a splitting in which the soul is detached from the body, for a few seconds.

Cotard’s syndrome

It is a rare syndrome that affects very few people in the world. It is closely related to hypochondria and consists of an idea of feeling dead. That is to say, the sufferer feels how their organs have stopped functioning and in more extreme cases, they may experience that they are souls in pain. Curing this type of disease has proven to be very difficult.

The leading cause of death

It is the heart attack or fulminant infarction. It happens when the heart collapses, as a result of the lack of oxygen in the blood that reaches this vital organ. It is the leading cause of death worldwide.

The last sense

The five senses that accompany the human being throughout his life disappear immediately at the time of death. But hearing is the last to do so; when a person dies, his or her hearing continues to function for a few more minutes after death.

Interesting figures

It is estimated that around the world more than 55 million people die annually. Of this number, 10 million are of Chinese origin. It is believed that since the beginning of mankind, about 100 billion people have died. The number of births is double the number of deaths per year.


The custom of wearing black clothing to attend a funeral comes from ancient Rome, where there were special garments that had to be worn for a considerable period of time. In Europe, it was believed that with the black garments, the souls in pain could not invade the body of those attending the funeral. It was like an amulet against demonic possessions.

Death in modern times

In the 21st century, foodstuffs are loaded with substances that seek to preserve products for a long time. These are consumed by men and women, who at the time of their death preserve their bodies for longer, thanks to these substances that they have ingested with their food.

The brain can continue to function after death

Although clinical death is defined as the absence of brain and heart activity, some studies have shown that the brain can continue to function for a few minutes after the heart stops beating. In a 2017 study, researchers analyzed brain waves from patients who had experienced cardiac arrest and found brain activity in 40% of cases, even after death was confirmed.

Skin and nails can grow back after death

Although it seems a popular myth, it is possible for skin and nails to continue to grow after death. This phenomenon is known as “cadaveric growth” and occurs due to dehydration and shrinkage of the body, which makes the skin and nails appear longer. However, this does not occur in all bodies and depends on several factors, such as temperature and humidity.

Muscles may contract after death

Muscle contractions after death are known as “rigor mortis” and are the result of a lack of oxygen in the muscle tissues. This stiffness occurs approximately 2-6 hours after death and may last 24-48 hours.

Eyes may change color after death

Eye color change after death is due to fluid accumulation and relaxation of the eye muscles. This relaxation causes the iris to contract and expand, which can make the eyes appear lighter or darker.

The body releases chemicals after death.

After death, the body releases several chemicals, including adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. These substances can cause changes in body temperature, blood pressure and other physiological processes.

Death can be a gradual process

We often think of death as an instantaneous event, but in reality it can be a gradual process that unfolds over days, weeks or even months. As organs begin to fail, the body may go through a series of changes that eventually lead to death.

The body may release hallucinogenic substances during death.

Some people who have been near death report hallucinatory or spiritual experiences that cannot be explained. It is believed that this may be due to the release of chemicals such as dimethyltryptamine (DMT) in the brain, which can cause experiences similar to those that occur with psychedelic drugs.

Microbes in the body can survive after death

Although the body decomposes after death, some microbes can remain alive in the body for days, weeks or even months. This can have important implications for forensic investigation and public health, as these microbes can transmit disease or contaminate the environment.

The body may release sounds after death

Some reports suggest that the body can release sounds after death, such as sighs, groans, or breathing noises. This is thought to be due to the release of air from the lungs or relaxation of the body’s muscles.

Death can affect the brain of loved ones.

The death of a loved one can have a profound effect on the brain of survivors, causing symptoms such as depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. This is thought to be due to the release of stress hormones and altered neural connections in the brain.

Death may be reversible in some circumstances

Although death is often considered irreversible, there are some cases in which physicians have been able to resuscitate people who had been declared clinically dead. This has been achieved through techniques such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or therapeutic hypothermia.

The brain can continue to function after death

Although the body may be dead, some studies suggest that the brain can continue to function for several minutes after death. This has been demonstrated in animal studies, although it is not yet clear whether it also occurs in humans.

Death may be a different process for different cultures and religions

Death and funeral rituals can vary widely by culture and religion. Some cultures believe in reincarnation, while others believe in an afterlife in a specific location. Funeral rituals can also vary, from cremation to burial in the ground.

Death can be painful or painless

Death can be a painful process for some people, especially if they are struggling with a terminal illness or severe pain. However, for others, death can be a painless and peaceful process, especially if they are surrounded by loved ones and in a quiet, calm environment.

Death can have important ethical and legal implications, such as organ donation, euthanasia and assisted suicide. These topics are the subject of debate and discussion in many societies and can have important implications for medical and legal decision making.

Death can have a significant impact on the environment

How remains are handled after death can have a significant impact on the environment. For example, cremation can release greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere, while ground burial can contaminate groundwater if chemicals are used in the embalming process.

Death can be a different process depending on age

Death can be a different process depending on the age of the person. For example, newborns and infants may experience unexplained “sudden death,” while older people may die of chronic diseases or age-related natural causes.

Death can affect companion animals

The death of a loved one can have a significant impact on companion animals, who may experience symptoms similar to humans, such as sadness, depression and loss of appetite. Veterinarians and pet owners often work together to help companion animals cope with the loss.

Death can have an impact on the economy

Death can have a significant impact on the economy, especially the funeral industry and life insurance. In addition, the death of productive people can have an impact on the workforce and the overall economy.

Death can have an impact on mental health

Death can have a significant impact on the mental health of loved ones and survivors, and can lead to problems such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Therapy and emotional support can be helpful in helping people cope with the loss.