
How many times should you do the delicious to be happy?

English - February 24, 2023
Image 1. How many times should you do the delicious to be happy?

Intimacy as a couple is something fundamental, that is why many people wonder how many times this practice should be done, to have a healthy and happy relationship. However, there are many theories that instead of clarifying this question, leave people more confused; for this reason, in this installment we will see the scientific studies that can give us a clearer and more precise answer about it. Next we present: how many times you should be intimate, to have a happy relationship according to the experts. Let’s see.

Every relationship is based on many factors to be strengthened over the years, but one of the most important is intimacy, since it is a moment of great physical and emotional connection that greatly strengthens the couple. It is confirmed that at the beginning of a relationship, eroticism becomes very intense and people can go to bed several times in the same day.

This has a scientific reason, because when you are with your partner, endorphins, serotonin and dopamine are produced. All these hormones are related to pleasure and generate a reward stimulus. The secretion of these substances creates a pseudo-addiction in the brain, which causes both partners to feel the need to continue experiencing this pleasurable stimulus.

However, this addiction does not last forever, because when the relationship becomes routine and intimate practices are more spaced out, either due to lack of time or for other reasons, this sensation is dampened and the body forgets the climax and over excitement of the first moment, making it no longer need to be actively intimate. This change affects many couples who choose to seek new relationships, thinking that the flame of passion is extinguished forever, but this is not necessarily so, because although eroticism is of lesser degree, it is still an important component for any relationship.

To clarify the question of how many times a week to make the delicious, a study was conducted in which more than 30,000 people in the United States participated, during the last 40 years. The study was conducted by the researcher of the University of Toronto Amy Muise and was published by the American association of psychology, “Society for Personality and Social Pschology”, demonstrating that it is enough to maintain only one practice of intimacy a week, to have a healthy and happy relationship.

The results were conclusive, the couples who enjoyed greater happiness and deep connection, only practiced intimacy once a week. The author of the study explains that the romantic and passionate components are key, but it is also equally important to have realistic expectations in the relationship, since commitments, stress levels and fatigue are the ones that mostly affect couples, decreasing their activity in bed. This decrease should not be confused with a lack of love.

The psychologist also reported that people who do it daily, had less deep connection with their partners, compared to those who practiced it only once a week. Another study was also conducted where people who were intimate once a week were asked to increase to six times during a month and the result was disastrous, as they enjoyed intimacy less and their mood to do it naturally declined.

As a result of all these studies, the researcher recommended couples to agree to have sex once a week, so as not to feel pressured at any time, nor to engage in the practice just to fulfill one more commitment. People should remain relaxed and in this way, that special connection becomes deeper, helping the couple to create stronger bonds over time.

This research debunked the false theory that to be happy, one must do the delicious more number of times, when really with maintaining four monthly sessions, the couple can be satisfied in that sense. Happiness as a couple depends on many factors, such as communication, respect, commitment, collaboration, understanding and obviously, erotic connection. None of these factors should be left aside.

Happiness is a complex and multifaceted state of mind that depends on many factors, including mental health, interpersonal relationships, physical well-being, job satisfaction and more. Sexual activity can be an important component of many people’s lives and can contribute to their overall happiness and well-being, but it is not the only way to achieve it.

Each person is unique and has different sexual needs and desires. The frequency of sex that is considered “sufficient” or “satisfying” varies from person to person, and there is no universal answer to this question. Some people may feel happy and satisfied with frequent sex, while others may prefer a quieter sex life.

Moreover, sexual happiness and satisfaction do not depend only on the quantity of sex, but also on the quality of sex. Emotional and physical connection between partners, mutual exploration and open communication are important factors that influence sexual satisfaction and overall happiness in a relationship.

Regarding the quantity of sex, it is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The frequency of sex that is considered “sufficient” or “satisfying” varies for each couple and may change over time. Some couples may have sex frequently, while others may prefer a quieter sex life. The key is to find a balance that works for both partners, rather than focusing on a specific quantity of sex.

In addition, it is important to note that the quality of sex is an equally important factor in sexual satisfaction and happiness in a relationship. The quality of sex can be influenced by many factors, such as emotional and physical connection between partners, mutual exploration, open communication, mutual respect, and willingness to experience new things.

Another important aspect to consider is that sexual activity is not the only way to achieve happiness and satisfaction in a relationship. Healthy and satisfying relationships require mutual commitment, open and honest communication, mutual respect, trust and empathy.

Scientific research

There are some scientific studies that explore the relationship between frequency of sex and happiness, although it is important to note that results may vary by couple and that other factors may influence happiness in a relationship.

A study published in the journal Social Psychology and Personality Science in 2015 found that having sex once a week was enough to increase happiness in long-term relationships. Researchers found that couples who had sex more frequently did not report higher relationship satisfaction. The study also noted that the quality of sex was a more important factor than the quantity of sex.

Another study published in the Journal of Sex Research in 2017 found that couples who had sex more frequently reported higher levels of sexual satisfaction and relationship happiness. However, this study also noted that the quality of sex was a more important factor than the quantity of sex.

Research published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in 2018, researchers found that couples who had sex with a higher frequency reported higher levels of relationship satisfaction, as well as lower levels of stress and anxiety.

A study published in the Journal of Sex Research in 2016 found that sexual satisfaction was a significant predictor of relationship satisfaction. Researchers also found that the quality of sexual communication and satisfaction with sex life were significant predictors of relationship satisfaction.

Open and honest communication may also be a key factor for sexual satisfaction and happiness in a relationship. A study published in the Journal of Sex Research in 2018 found that effective sexual communication was positively associated with sexual satisfaction as well as relationship satisfaction. The researchers also found that sexual satisfaction was a significant predictor of relationship satisfaction.

Another study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in 2017 found that sexual satisfaction was positively associated with relationship satisfaction, as well as emotional intimacy and overall life satisfaction. The researchers also found that effective sexual communication was positively associated with sexual satisfaction and emotional intimacy.

One factor that can influence happiness in a relationship and frequency of sexual intercourse is stress. Stress can negatively affect libido and sexual satisfaction, which can affect happiness in a relationship. A study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in 2018 found that stress levels were negatively associated with intercourse frequency and sexual satisfaction in women.

In addition, relationship satisfaction and frequency of sex can be affected by factors such as age, relationship duration, and physical and mental health. For example, a study published in the journal Sexual Medicine in 2018 found that older men had a lower frequency of intercourse, but also reported higher sexual satisfaction and higher relationship satisfaction compared to younger men.

Another study published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior in 2019 found that relationship duration was positively associated with sexual satisfaction and emotional intimacy, but was not significantly associated with frequency of intercourse. The researchers also found that physical and mental health were positively associated with sexual satisfaction and relationship happiness.

It is necessary to consider is the level of commitment and the degree of love and emotional connection between couples. A study published in the journal Social Science & Medicine in 2017 found that couples who reported greater commitment and greater mutual love also reported greater sexual satisfaction. In addition, researchers found that commitment and emotional connection were significant predictors of sexual satisfaction.

Another study published in the Journal of Sex Research in 2017 found that relationship quality, including satisfaction with communication, emotional intimacy, and satisfaction with commitment and mutual support, was positively associated with frequency of sexual intercourse. The researchers also found that relationship quality was a significant predictor of sexual satisfaction and relationship happiness.

In addition, culture and social norms may also influence the frequency and quality of sex and happiness in a relationship. A study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in 2016 found that cultural and religious norms around sexuality were associated with the frequency and quality of sex in heterosexual and homosexual couples. For example, the researchers found that heterosexual couples who reported higher levels of religiosity also reported lower frequency of sexual intercourse.