
Why men should have several women

English - March 17, 2023
Image 1. Why men should have several women

There is a desire inside a great number of men and it is to have the possibility to live with several women and have them as wives. In some countries this is possible and it is the dream of every womanizer. But on a general level, it is seen as something negative and sexist, even polygamy is considered a crime in some nations. In this installment we will see the studies of several experts, who have delved into this lurid subject. Here we present: reasons why a man should have several wives. Let’s see.

Civilization, throughout time, has wanted to regulate erotic activity. Although it is different in each culture, all of them have taken intimacy as a basis to create forms of life or social organization in families and couples. Scientists Malcolm Potts and Roger Shorts argue that man, as well as most animals, are polygamous by nature, but society has been structured in such a way that human beings have been determined to be monogamous. Thanks to scientific studies, it has been demonstrated that only 5% of species on the planet are monogamous and this coincides with the percentage of men who live happily with only one woman throughout their lives.

According to Dr. Wendy Portillo Martinez, researcher at the Institute of Neurology UNAM, Mexico, she explained that these behaviors have a biological explanation, since there are several neurotransmitters involved, such as oxytocin, vasopressin and dopamine, which are involved in the formation of bonds in couples, thanks to erotic activity. The conclusion of their studies showed that men with a higher number of receptors of these hormones are inclined to monogamy, while those with lower levels of dopamine neurotransmitters are attracted to polygamy and to copulate with many women.

According to the philosopher José Antonio Marina, there are differences between men and women when maintaining a stable relationship or seeking several partners. José Marina affirms that there is a clear inclination of men towards polygamy, while women are attracted to monogamy. The truth is that there is a tendency in human beings to create bonds from erotic activity, creating a family organization or structure. Doing it in the Western way, where monogamy is practiced, or in the Eastern way, as practiced by Muslims having several wives, is a matter of adaptation and it seems that men can adapt to different family structures.

In the Bible itself there is evidence of polygamy. Many important men of the Old Testament were polygamous, among them Solomon, who had 700 wives and 300 concubines. The Romans and the Hebrews also accepted the idea of concubinage and having an official wife. According to anthropologists, all this was due to the fact that there were a greater number of women, who, due to their fragility and socioeconomic conditions, depended on a man to survive and thus avoid falling into prostitution or slavery.

As time went by, monogamy began to be adopted, due to the same need of civilization, to raise children successfully, to create economic alliances between families, to exercise greater regulation of the inheritance of biological children and also, it is a way to create power alliances, as it happens in families with noble titles.

Researchers also affirm that human beings show a tendency to experiment and try new things, in order to find the partner that best suits their needs. This happens even when a stable partner has already been found and meets all expectations, nature always continues to strive to continue in this search.

Finally, the modern world is leaning towards polygamy. Infidelity is the daily bread. Cases of divorce are more common and the idea of a new form of love relationship is being adapted, called polyamory, which consists of having several partners with the knowledge and consent of all involved.

But all this also has its implications; the man who has several women must have a high status, to be able to meet all the needs of each of them, in addition to the psychological needs that can become a burden for him. This is why Muslims, despite enjoying the possibility of having several wives, most choose to have only one.

Cultures that allow multiple wives

Polygamy, or the practice of having multiple wives, is a reality in many cultures around the world. In some societies, it is considered a legitimate and accepted practice, while in others it is viewed as immoral or even illegal. Below, we will explore some of the cultures that allow multiple wives and examine some of the cultural, social and legal aspects of this practice.

One of the cultures best known for allowing polygamy is Islamic culture. According to Islamic law, a man may have up to four wives as long as he is able to treat them all equally and fairly. Polygamy is common in many, though not all, Muslim-majority countries. While the practice is legal in some countries, in others it is restricted or prohibited by law.

Another culture that has historically permitted polygamy is African culture. In some African societies, polygamy was a way of demonstrating social status and wealth, as the man who could support several wives and their children was considered a respected leader. However, in many parts of Africa, polygamy has declined with the influence of Christianity and modernization.

In some indigenous cultures of Latin America, polygamy has been practiced in the past. For example, among the Yanomami, an Amazonian tribe of Brazil and Venezuela, polygamy is common and is believed to be necessary to maintain balance between the sexes. Yanomami men take several wives and all of them are expected to work together to meet the needs of the family.

Another culture that has historically allowed polygamy is the Chinese culture. In ancient China, polygamy was a common practice among the nobility and the wealthy, although it was not permitted for commoners. Polygamy in China was banned by law in 1950, but it is still practiced in some rural areas.

It is important to note that polygamy is not necessarily a universal practice in these cultures. In addition, it is important to remember that polygamy is not limited to these cultures, but can be found in many parts of the world. The practice of polygamy has complex historical and cultural roots that must be considered when trying to understand it.

In legal terms, polygamy is often considered illegal in many Western countries, although there are exceptions. For example, in some states in the United States, polygamy is considered a crime, while in others it is not. In some countries, such as South Africa and Kenya, polygamy is legal but restricted. In other countries, such as India, polygamy is legal for members of certain religions.

The Bible, the Hebrews and polygamy

In ancient Hebrew society, polygamy was a common practice. The Bible describes many biblical characters, including Abraham, Jacob, David and Solomon, as having multiple wives and concubines. Although polygamy was legal in ancient Hebrew society, there were certain restrictions and regulations.

According to Hebrew law, a man could have multiple wives as long as he could keep them all and treat them equally. However, the Torah also states that a husband may not show favoritism toward a particular wife, and that if a wife is mistreated or neglected, she is entitled to be released from her marriage.

In addition, the Torah states that children born to each wife have equal rights and must be treated equally. In practice, however, there were often conflicts and rivalries between wives and their children, and the children of the favored wife could receive preferential treatment.

It is important to keep in mind that the practice of polygamy among the ancient Hebrews was not necessarily viewed as positive or desirable. The history of polygamy in the Bible often shows its negative consequences, such as rivalry between wives and discord between children.

In addition, over time, the practice of polygamy became less common among the Hebrews, especially after the destruction of the Temple in AD 70. In medieval and modern times, polygamy was forbidden by Jewish law and is considered an immoral practice.

Arabs and their women

Polygamy is a legal and common practice in many Arab cultures. Although it is not mandatory, many Muslim men may have up to four wives at the same time, as long as they can support them financially and treat them equally.

Polygamy in Arab cultures has its roots in Islamic tradition and pre-Islamic Bedouin culture. The Qur’an states that a man may have up to four wives as long as he can support them financially and treat them fairly. However, Islamic law also states that a husband must treat all his wives equally, both in terms of expenses and in terms of affection and attention.

Although polygamy is legal in many Arab countries, there are also restrictions and regulations. For example, in some countries, such as Tunisia and Morocco, a husband is required to obtain permission from his existing wife before marrying another woman. In addition, in some countries, such as Egypt and Syria, the courts may grant permission for polygamy only in special cases, such as when the existing wife is infertile or seriously ill.

It is important to note that polygamy is not universal in Arab cultures. Many Arab men choose not to have multiple wives and instead focus on building strong monogamous relationships. In addition, polygamy can be seen as a controversial and contentious practice by some people, especially women who see the practice as a form of oppression and inequality.

However, there are also Arab men who reject polygamy. Some men may feel that they do not have the financial resources to support multiple wives and their children, while others may feel that polygamy goes against the values of love and fidelity that they wish to have in their marriage. In addition, some Arab women may also reject the idea of being one of several wives of a man, and may expect to have a monogamous and loving relationship.

In general, Arab men’s views on polygamy are varied and complex. While some may see polygamy as a way to improve their social status and increase their offspring, others may reject it for financial, ethical or personal reasons. It is important to keep in mind that polygamy is a regulated and restricted practice in many Arab countries, and that many people in these societies prefer monogamous, loving relationships.