
Wizard of Google: how to create your own voice commands with IFTTT

English - November 22, 2018

Image 1. Wizard of Google: how to create your own voice commands with IFTTT

If you throw in lack any voice command in the Wizard of Google to interact with your devices, then IFTTT is your great ally. The popular service “If this, then that” (If this happens, then do that) to automate tasks, it also allows us to create our own voice commands on Google Assistant.

IFTTT allows us to interact with more than 400 services, applications and devices in home automation, which allows us to expand the possibilities of our Wizard of Google. We tell you how.

Image 2. Wizard of Google: how to create your own voice commands with IFTTT

Xataka Android

How to create routines with the Wizard of Google to perform multiple actions with a single command

Create your own voice command

IFTTT allows you to create applets for the Wizard of Google. To do this we have to go to the tab My Applet and press on the “+” icon to create our firmware.

Image 3. Wizard of Google: how to create your own voice commands with IFTTT

To create a new voice command we have to select the service Google Assistant. IFTTT lets you create the following types of voice commands:

Image 4. Wizard of Google: how to create your own voice commands with IFTTT

For a voice command, IFTTT allows you to write three ways of calling it, then optionally allows us to write the message you want that the Wizard of Google to respond to us. In “Language” we have to select our language for it to work.

If we are going to create a voice command that includes a number and/or a text key, we need to add in the command the symbol # for the number, and the $ symbol to the text. Example: “put the air conditioning from $ to # degrees” or “published on Twitter the message $ “.

Image 5. Wizard of Google: how to create your own voice commands with IFTTT

Then in the next window we have to select and configure what you want to do then the Wizard, if you send a message to a contact, posting on a social network, interact with our mobile or any service available.

Image 6. Wizard of Google: how to create your own voice commands with IFTTT

Discover voice commands

Image 7. Wizard of Google: how to create your own voice commands with IFTTT

In the tab Discover we can find voice commands for the Wizard of Google already created ready to add and be custom in our Android device.

Image 8. Wizard of Google: how to create your own voice commands with IFTTT

Xataka Android

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Image 9. Wizard of Google: how to create your own voice commands with IFTTT

IFTTTVaries depending on the device.

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The news Wizard of Google: how to create your own voice commands with IFTTT was originally published in Xataka Android by Cosmos.

Xataka Android