
Yon González: “Life has me very easy, I only had to use it”

English - March 20, 2015

DANIEL G. Aparicio

  • Yon González live a great professional moment: triumphs on television starring in “Under Suspicion” and film “Losing the north ‘sweeps box office
  • The young actor says, fortunately unlike his character in the film, has not had to do anything desperate in life to succeed.
  • What I have done is recognize many love nonsense.

It’s almost two p.m. and actor Yon González takes all morning giving interviews to the media. At 28 years old, no longer seems the kid who shot to fame thanks to The boarding but neither youthful star of the recently released Losing the north . It has a look more adult. Luce long hair and beard, like his character in Under Suspicion . No embago, speaking denotes freshness and youth. It takes hours answering dozens of questions, but kept smiling and slang when talking to 20minutes . Recognize that you can not complain, you’re living a great professional moment.

Losing the north speaks of the need for young people to make a living out of Spain. Do you think fits the current reality?
It depends on who because people has a hard but there are also people like me who have been fortunate that my life has become very easy and only I had to use it. Unfortunately, there are people that what has happened and what is going badly. In the film, in the drama of social reality, these guys live in a wonderful floor and are lucky enough to find a job, even one of shit. Many are not so lucky.

So, unlike his character, do you not forced to do anything crazy out of necessity?
Never. Look how far I’ve been lucky that I realized I wanted to be an actor after he had been six months working as an actor. My path was going in another direction, I went to an auto mechanic. He planned to study mechanical engineering, he had taken me a degree to teach karate and if I had stayed in my country, I would have taken the first Dan to impart power. My ideas were others, but sometimes you have to stop plans aside, being open to life, meet people, enjoy, live. That is the path that has led me here.

Your character also makes some madness in love. That might do agree, right?
I made the idiot much love (laughs), I guess like everyone else.

Despite being a drama in many cases, it gives a hint to the issue of migration.
Sure, it’s a comedy. A harsh reality is counted from the humor, trying to make people laugh a little of the situation and themselves.

Do you know someone who has been forced to emigrate?
No. Blanca Suarez himself has told me that she knows people who have been in this situation, but I do not. I have lived twenty years in my village in Vergara, and my friends there still. And people I’ve met in the city also continues in Madrid looking for life.

Do you think the situation will improve, and all this time of crisis will be to remember?
do not know, is that there are so many things to change, to start the system itself. It depends on the interests of those in power, of wanting to change things or not. I guess this will last, in constant loop for centuries: A good time after the crisis, another growth, a war …

The Spanish film does seem to be going up.
Well, yes, because Eight Basque surnames has triumphed, right? He has made 60 million euros. It is true that also worked well some other movies, but not to be trusted.

In a comedy with actors like Julian Lopez, Carmen Machi and Javier Cámara many anecdotes occur. ..
Well do not believe it. I have anecdotes of Under Suspicion , have the movie Killing time , but just for this film … What I can highlight are the great laughs we’ve thrown behind the scenes, between scenes. The people who have surrounded me in Losing the north are very great professionals enormous human quality and great sense of humor, so the laughter and good cheer have been constant.

says that the series Under Suspicion does have a story.
Yes. Rcuerdo that one of the times I went out to smoke with Jorge Cabezudo, the director, I threw the cigarette to his mouth in chulesco plan and I turned it on. Then he will start to laugh and said “can you imagine a flat sequence of two minutes with the family, super dramatic all, and at the end you come along and do the cockiness that with cigar? Hahaha.” Well, it did not, but it had a sequence of two pages with Blanca Romero, at home, sitting around talking. She eventually, after a few minutes of conversation, rises a little cranky and leaves. Within that time as I played my desolation, because we very few shots in the series, and I foolishly throw the cigarette. At that moment I noticed the whole team began to restrain his laughter. In addition, the director does not cut it, let overstayed the scene, so when I finally said “cut” everyone burst out laughing. It was great.

Between comedy and drama, where do you feel most comfortable?
The comedy requires a lot of technique behind and a great sense of rhythm, but I more important than gender is the story behind you, a good script, human people around you are in favor of work and, above all, a good communicator who is the brand power of the shoot, the director. He is the one who should know put yourself in a few words the ideal state, the sensitivity of what you will have in every scene …

Do you have something in common with their characters, Hugo de Losing the north and Victor of Under Suspicion
With Hugo I have in common ingenuity. I’ve always been very naive, less and less, because life is teaching you things. All are stages. With the character of the series I share the desire to do good, although he rules to achieve skip. Attempt to bring you good things to the world, people always give the best of myself.

The series is conceived as a kind of game where everyone is a suspect, are you fond of this genre in film and literature?
Yes, especially films I’ve seen this type because, as I keep reading scripts, I have almost no time to get to read books. I would not say it’s my favorite genre, I like all kinds of movies. For example, the last film left me shocked is beautiful , the best that has been done a long time. I think a masterpiece
