
NetSurf: a browser that just consumes RAM

English - March 18, 2015

Netsuft a multiplatform, light and fast browser that uses very little RAM and is ideal for devices with limited resources.

A type of software which forms an essential part of our computers today is the browser, and while we ample options when choosing which to use ( Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Safari), there are ultralight alternatives such as Netsurf.

Netsurf is a multiplatform browser for Linux and Mac OS X (soon Windows). He describes himself as: “Small as a mouse, fast like a cheetah and freely available”. lightweight browser that barely consumes RAM.

is currently available version 3.3 and the minimum requirements to run NetSurf are just a plate ARM 30 MHz and 16 Mb of RAM. As will be seen in old and very few resources teams, and if we execute on our current PC this never know it with this very low memory consumption. The speed offered by this browser also does not possess broad support for both HTML5 and CSS3 but are working to improve it.

Small as a mouse, fast as a cheetah and freely available.

Netsurf not have supplements for now, but DuckDuckGo can be set as default browser, can also enable blocking windows Pop-us , use tabs, view PDFs and navigate through a proxy. The installer file deb for Ubuntu and Debian, weighs 962.8 kB and once installed no more than 9 Mb.

To install packages can download from their website downloads, or we can compile the project on our own following these instrucciones.
