
Webminal: learn all about online terminal commands for Linux

English - March 21, 2015

Webminal is an online terminal thanks to the lessons and their large user community, will help you learn everything you need to know to handle the major commands Linux.

While talking about href=”” Linux always create controversy and debate, the fact is that, at least for me, is one of the best operating systems that exist. Not that I’m the expert within Linux, just the basics and I love that sense of freedom that is created when using it. But everyone with their preferences and tastes.

Some users might be scared of using the terminal, but the truth is that it is not out of this world and just learn a few commands to survive in this environment. If you are interested in migrating to Linux is best to read a couple of things, install and start exploring the system. On the go needs arise but it is easy to check with the user community to resolve any problem. If you also need a guide to start managing the basic commands, href=”” Webminal is the solution.


Webminal is a Linux terminal online that lets you learn how to use this tool, manage files and manage processes without installing any software on your computer. The main advantage of it is a web service is that you can access the site from any web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari), from any (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS) operating system.

To begin using this valuable resource, learn Linux terminal commands all you have to do is register. There are mainly two types of plans: the free plan, you only need to register an email address and a password; and Flexi plan, $ 4 for a month, $ 20 for 6 months and $ 36 for 12 months, with additional for each benefit.

After creating account the following is choose the layout Linux with which we work. CentOS, Ubuntu and Fedora are allowed options. In the online terminal can enjoy various types of commands including Linux file system, file management, scripts in BASH, AWK, SED and MySQL.

Webminal provides users with storage space 1MB, which is relatively good for storing files that are created in various exercises. The maximum number of files a user can create is 1000 and the maximum file size is 1 to KB. Once the files are created, they can be shared with the href=”” community users to help verify or debug the script or program. Additionally, you can create a much more selective groups, and groups that are handled in Facebook, to interact with other users.

As for management of MySQL, users can create 4 tables. The maximum size of the database created should not exceed 200 KB and the maximum number of allowed queries to execute per hour is 200, but are only allowed 100 update queries per hour. Users only have permission to use their own tables so, pry into the databases of other users may violate any policy to use this service and be liable to a penalty or be permanently locked Webminal.

If you use Webminal for any illegal activity, we reserve the right to prosecute the jurisdiction of our choice. To use Webminal, you have to respect and help people.

Webminal is a service created with educational purposes, so any kind of illegal activity as spam, portflooding, portscanning, IRC bots, cracking encrypted connections unauthorized remote hosts or any type of fraud will not be permitted within the portal. As mentioned earlier, the entire community of Linux users will always be willing to help with any problems, so there is no excuse not to take a chance on this operating system. I promise you will not regret
