
How to clean and organize your photos with Slidebox, dragging like Tinder

English - April 12, 2016

who does not have problems cleaning and organizing your photo collection on your mobile, cast the first stone. Or, if Slidebox is installed, cast the first photo up, to get to work and clean your gallery once and for all.

Slidebox is an application which can organize your photos and delete those that do not convince a fairly intuitive way: a base throw in the trash. The system is somewhat reminiscent Tinder, although in this case decide not dragging left or right, but up

To clear drag up

Slidebox is not the first application to include management of your photo gallery “to Tinder”. For some time you have available Gallery doctor, who later was integrated into the general cleaner AVG Cleaner.

If we compare Slidebox with Gallery Doctor, Slidebox is lighter and simpler, then try not to give them ready detecting which photos are blurred, which are similar or potentially what you will like. Up to you if you miss these options, but the fact is that Gallery Doctor takes quite some time to analyze your gallery and makes the whole process more cumbersome.

Slidebox (left) and Gallery Doctor (right)

In Slidebox basically presents a sequence with all the photos you’ve taken sorted by date. Browse through them as you normally would (by dragging left and right) and when you find one you do not like, throw it up.

Do not worry, because the picture is not deleted immediately, but is included in the Trash, purgatory pictures that you enter later to confirm that want to delete all the pictures that stay there.

also creates albums

in addition to reviewing your latest photos and delete the ones you do not like, with Slidebox you can also organize your photos into albums. But they are not álbumes Special you can only see in applying turn, that are so fashionable today, but normal currents albums and will also be in the Gallery.

Technically, making Slidebox is as simple as create a folder and copy pictures there. Sometimes the simplest solution is also the most practical.

Manage and create albums directly from Slidebox is as fast as delete photos. First you must create your new album from the application by touching Save to Album. Choose a name and the application will create the album and a button on the bottom bar of the window. As you browse through your photos, tap this new button to be included in the album. That easy

If you want you can also import other albums you have on your mobile. In this case you must go to View Albums, and then touch the button to add an existing album. Slidebox automatically detects your folders with pictures, which are displayed in a scrollable list.

From then the existing folder as a button is added on the bottom bar, so you can add images to this album with a twist.

Soon with support for cards

currently Slidebox it is limited to organize and clean only those photos that are in the internal memory from your phone, even if the developer announced by active and passive support for memory cards come soon. Even in the options screen there is an exclusive for this section.

In summary, one can say that Slidebox is a fairly simple and lightweight tool, which is probably much faster than using the gallery of your phone for delete photos.

Image 1. How to clean and organize your photos with Slidebox, dragging like Tinder

Slidebox – Photo Organizer 0.3

Image 2. How to clean and organize your photos with Slidebox, dragging like Tinder

In Engadget Android | AVG Now Cleaner helps you delete photos blurred, repeated and poor quality

The news How to clean and organize your photos with Slidebox, dragging like Tinder was originally published in Engadget Android by Ivan Ramirez.

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