
10 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a Home Business

Business, English - November 5, 2020

It’s a good thing that we live in the times where home business is a very viable possibility. Ensconced in the comfort of your homes, you can make the most of your available virtues. But, it is not as simple as it seems. 

However, home businesses have their own set of challenges. There is a paucity of resources and shortage of capital. Further, the competition with bigger and better brands is always subsisting. It, therefore, is essential to build a vocality about the home brand. 

There are some things you must be aware of before you are starting a home business. These are the challenges and way outs to curb these challenges. Therefore, you must know of these nitty gritties about a home business: 

Business Communication

A visit to the WeNumber’s website would show you a plethora of communication alternatives for business. From which number to choose to what plans are being provided by the service providers, the list is endless.

You can dither alternatives like 0203 area codes on WeNumber or any other number and plan type which would suit your business requirements. The best part with WeNumber is that they provide a very comparative insight into the alternatives available. 

Image 1. 10 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a Home Business

Out of all the codes, numbers and phone types available, to make an informed decision, you must pay attention to the following considerations:

Remote Access

Your number must provide remote access. The dependency on physical infrastructure of calls is diminishing day by day. Businesses with remote access have the flexibility to operate from the place of their choice. They do not restrict themselves to the home infrastructure.

Image 2. 10 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a Home Business


Even home businesses have to face the competition in the Industry. Generally, bigger companies and corporates have the leverage of offering good and attractive discounts to their customers. This ensures patronage and a growing customer base.

Professional Conduct

Small nitty gritty like having a welcome message, wait tone, etc. leave a very professional impression in the minds of the customer. It develops a perception of a sound operational business that values its clientele. 

Customer Services

With major corporations providing 24*7 round the clock customer service, a home business with inadequate customer service could be a serious bottleneck.

To curb this issue, home businesses could have a landline while also have it redirected to one’s mobile phone. WeNumber allows call forwarding as a great alternative. So, whatever time of the day it is, you can still answer a client query.

No dedicated work space

However much one might despise going to office but it can’t be denied that offices infuse a work culture. Homes lack a dedicated space, a place you can call your place of business. You’re just switching rooms, changing positions, sometimes even your posture would cause you problems.

Therefore, identify a room or space or yourself in the house and dedicate it to your work. You shall work no where else. This would streamline your functions in many ways and even the people at home would know that you’re working, so they would not bother you.

Lesser Family Time

Remember how work life balance is a scenario hard to achieve, well, working from home tosses this balance out of the window. As you are at home, you are expected to work for home and from home. This could lead you in a pickle.

So, work like you usually do and dedicate a timeline. You don’t talk about work when you’re with your family and when you’re working, you do not engage in personal work. The bifurcation of roles must be clear.

Setting Boundaries

This one becomes especially tricky if you have a big family living with you. In case you do have more residents than your own self, they need to understand that your work space is your place. They can’t intervene between your work hours and not mess with your work space. 


Lack of organization and scheduling could be disastrous when you have a home business. If you do not prioritize your time, you will have a hard time handling the work and personal life. Therefore, organize your life better. Know what all you can and should expect with your work. 

Working Hours

You must have strict working hours that need to be adhered to. If you do not have strong business ethos, you might have to compromise on quality work and quality time. You, therefore, need to have fixed working hours where you are totally dedicated to work. 

Dress Appropriately

One thing we usually do at home is be totally relaxed at work. We are dressed in the most comfortable clothes, sometimes not even that. However, the point is, you must dress appropriately. You must get properly dressed as if you are attending a physical office.

Work Outside as Well

Home business does not necessarily mean that you have to isolate yourself from the outside world. Sometimes, you might become way too cut off from the outside world. With number portability and call forwarding, you can still be available for your business. 

So, head out and don’t let the monotony of home business get to you. Client meetings, seminars, etc could be a good way to connect and have a physical presence and recognition.

Managing Remote Employees

Let’s face it, you would not have a business space. This does not mean that you cannot have a remote team. Most home businesses hire consultants and remote working employees. The employees, though working remote, would need to be managed.

You can head to WeNumber’s website and know how some virtual phone systems even allow chatting and conferencing abilities to your business. It will all be a part of your calling plans.

Have a Website and Online Presence 

You might not have a business premise but you can have an online home in the form of a website. The website must spell out your purpose and conduct. In today’s technologically advanced times, having a website and an online presence substitutes for any physical presence.

You must have an active social media conduct and invest in active marketing of your business, product and services. Just do not back down from the online effort you need to make in making things work for your business. 


Having a home business is not all roses. In fact, if anything, it is more challenging than working for someone else. The struggles are your own, the profits are your own, the holistic development of the business is your very own responsibility.

As stated above, the above facts and points would be challenges and opportunities in their own very selves. You need to find a perfect and balanced approach. As for communication, you can attain 0203 area codes on WeNumber in just a day, with a number of your choice.

Further, WeNumber’s website helps you make a very informed decision on the kind of communication strategy you must adopt for your business. There will also be challenges about maintaining a healthy bifurcation between your work and personal life.