
10 Tips How to Find Balance Between Videos Games and Studying

Business, English - December 21, 2019

College life can be tough and can get even tougher without the right mindset. All the responsibilities you must take on yourself along with the huge pile of work pilled on your desk won’t help either. Then, there’s the social component – we are social beings, so we feel a need to integrate and belong; thus, we cannot leave this part of our lives unexplored. With so many things to do, students might find it hard to maintain a college-life balance, especially when video games are an extra component that get in the middle of this hectic schedule. When you are on the study edge and need to progress towards success, apply these 10 tips to get back on track.

1. Frame it the right way

The worst idea is framing gaming the wrong way. If you set your mind to thinking that you will be losing precious time while playing, you’ll feel guilty and be less efficient in your college work. Thus, think about it this way: I use video games as a relaxing technique. I play them to unwind from the stress so that later, I can be productive. I am happy that I am playing video games.

2. Plan it out

Plan gaming time ahead of time by keeping a structured planner. Write down your ‘gaming times’ and try to respect them as closely as possible. If you are tempted to play outside of that schedule, punish yourself (ex: no more games the next day).

3. Turn gaming into an event

The more you progress on this route, the more you’ll be able to control gaming time. If you’re already there, try to game only once or twice a week. It will feel special and great, I promise.

4. Cut down on the amount spent gaming

Try to game less over time until you reduce this habit to a few times a month. Engage in other relaxation practices, such as working out, meditation, reading, etc.

5. When you game, game

If you choose to sit down and play again, do not get distracted. Solely focus on that and give gaming your whole attention.

6. Ask someone for help

Advice by research paper writers online recommends that college students get someone to hold them accountable. Make sure you talk to a close friend or relative to constantly ask you to stop playing.

7. Become productive

Next thing you must do is become productive in your schoolwork. Think about it this way: the more time you spent raising your GPA, the freer time you’ll have to game once assignments are done. You could use study music for better concentration.

8. Start videocasting

You could combine your passion for new video games with making money. Use YouTube as a way to promote your favorite video games or give out tips on winning strategies/character boosting.

9. Prioritize

Think about your future and prioritize according to that – if you know you’ll be a gamer/game designer when entering the job market, allow yourself to play more than usual; but if you want to get into another field, start prioritizing that work.

10. Enjoy time off

Even if no violence and video games study ever linked the two concepts together, you should still try to stay away from the computer for a while. Take time to enjoy nature and get out of your room!


Elizabeth Skinner is a freelancer and professional gamer. Her passion for business helped her start her own gaming company. Today, Elizabeth writes, games, and travels the world on an expanded budget.

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Image 2. 10 Tips How to Find Balance Between Videos Games and Studying
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