
5 Cyber Threats A Business Must Know

Business, English - February 5, 2020

Image 1. 5 Cyber Threats A Business Must Know

There is no greater threat to businesses in 2020 than cybercrime. This has been a huge global issue for many years and one which is one getting bigger with new, advanced threats constantly being developed. Additionally, it is not just the large corporations that you see targeted on the news that must protect themselves as much smaller businesses are targeted too and often do not have as much protection in place. Education is critical to success when it comes to cybersecurity, which is why it is so important to be aware of a few of the biggest threats to modern businesses and how you can avoid these and protect your company.

1. Malware

Malware is one of the biggest and most common threats. Essentially, malware is software that is designed to damage a computer, network or client and includes threats such as:

  • Viruses
  • Worms
  • Trojan horses
  • Ransomware

Prevention is important when it comes to malware which means never downloading suspicious software or opening suspicious links (more on this below). You also need to have a high-quality antivirus software system in place which performs regular scans and can remove malware.

2. Phishing

Phishing is a scam that many people are aware of but it is becoming increasingly advanced which can make it difficult to spot. This is a scam that involves using email or social media and often posing as a trusted source with a message encouraging the reader to click on malicious links, download content and/or provide sensitive data.

Being vigilant and wary of unsolicited messages is key to avoiding this scam and so you need to train staff on how to look out for phishing. Having an endpoint security system from a specialist like McAfee which uses endpoint detection and response (EDR) is also important because it will monitor endpoints (devices) that could indicate a threat and automatically respond to protect the device and company data.

3. Ransomware

Ransomware is one of the biggest threats to businesses and a type of malware which involves holding data ransom or blocking access until a ransom is paid. Of course, there is no guarantee of this if the ransom is paid and instead you need to be cautious of what is installed, run antivirus software and back up data regularly.

4. Password Attacks

Password attacks simply involve a hacker trying to gain access by guessing or using a program to obtain the right password. This is why it is so important to create random, complex passwords instead of easy to guess ones and to change these on a regular basis.

5. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

DDoS attacks involve flooding the server with requests from multiple sources which can cause the system to slow down and/or crash which can be incredibly costly for a business. Having more bandwidth available than you need is helpful, but you should also notify your ISP or hosting provider as soon as possible who will be able to help. These are a few of the main threats that every business owner needs to be aware of; however, it is crucial that you stay current and know the best ways to protect your business, staff and customers from digital threats.