
Amazing things about the human body

English - February 10, 2023
Image 1. Amazing things about the human body

The human body is perfect, in every sense of the word and allows us to move from place to place with ease; and in addition to this, it does a great job of keeping itself alive and all its organs functioning. We present “the 10 most amazing things about the human body”.

The size of the eyes

The eyes always remain the same size, from the moment we are born until we die. The eyes remain the same size, which is not the case with the nose and ears, which change over time.


Some people find it disgusting to have earwax in their ears, but it has a very important function in maintaining the health of the ear and therefore the rest of the body, as the ear is closely related to the functions of the brain.

Body heat

Producing heat is a defense mechanism that the body has, to maintain its temperature in the exact measure and to allow the good functioning of the internal organs. Some scientific studies assure that in 30 minutes, the human body produces enough heat to boil two liters of water.

Surplus organs

There are organs or parts that are there, but do not really fulfill any important function. This is the case of the “wisdom teeth” that grow in everyone, but do not mean much when it comes to chewing food and, on the contrary, must be removed.

The appendix: although many claim that it is needed, this organ does not change anything in the functioning of the body; on the contrary, it can acquire some infections and produce terrible discomfort. However, this is the perspective of a merely current medical point of view, as it has been concluded that the human body is a mystery in reality and only the most superficial is known about it.

Sexual energy

A man produces more than 10 million spermatozoa per day, but when an erection is involved, this number increases significantly. On the other hand, the largest cell in a woman’s body is the ovum; moreover, it is the only one visible to the human eye.

The mystery of bones

An adult person has approximately 206 bones, of which 53 are in the foot. Babies are born with fewer bones and these are softer and harden with the passage of time. When bones are broken, they can repair themselves in an amazing way. Only with the help of a little extra calcium can they recover.

The extraordinary function of the stomach

It is the main part of the digestive system and a vitally important organ, because all the food we eat is processed there. In its interior it has some acids that allow the correct absorption and distribution of nutrients in our body. Stomach acids are so strong that they can disintegrate a metal blade in a matter of seconds.

The tongue

This important organ performs many vital functions. It is located inside the mouth and is composed of more than 16 individual muscles. It performs many functions, including digestive, respiratory, communication and even sexual, because it helps generate erotic sensations. It is approximately four inches long.

The numerous mites

Humans carry millions of mites on their bodies, skin and hair. Mites are a subclass of arachnids that are microscopic. In humans they inhabit old skin cells and their numbers increase with age. Despite being harmless, some people have intolerance to their presence and develop strong allergies.

Self-healing capacity

Our body is able to heal itself after injury or illness. Our immune system attacks bacteria and viruses that invade our body, and damaged tissues heal and regenerate thanks to the action of specialized cells.


The digestive system is a well-oiled machine that is able to break down the food we eat and extract the nutrients needed to keep us healthy. It is amazing to see how the body can handle different types of food and transform them into energy and building materials for the body.

Adapting to different environments

Our body is able to adapt to different environments and conditions. For example, our body can produce more sweat in hot climates to cool us down, or produce more heat in cold climates to keep us warm.

Sleep regulation

Our body is able to automatically regulate sleep and wakefulness. The production of hormones such as melatonin and serotonin play an important role in sleep and alertness.

Long-term memory

Our brain’s ability to store and retrieve information is amazing. The brain is able to store information for many years and retrieve it with great ease.

Learning capacity

Our brain is a learning machine and is capable of learning new languages, skills and knowledge throughout life.

Emotional response

Our brain is capable of generating and experiencing a wide range of emotions, including joy, sadness, fear, anger and love. This capacity is crucial to our survival and emotional well-being.


Our body is capable of communicating in many ways, including voice, gestures and facial expression. This ability to communicate is crucial to our ability to interact with others and form relationships.

The ability to feel pain

Pain is a natural defense mechanism that protects us from injury and damage. Our body is able to detect pain and send signals to the brain so that we can react.

The ability to perceive the world through the senses

Our body is able to perceive the world through the five senses: touch, hearing, sight, smell and taste. These senses allow us to have a complete and detailed perception of the world around us.

The ability to maintain balance

Our body is able to maintain balance thanks to a combination of systems, including the inner ear and the eyes. This allows us to walk, run and perform other activities without losing our balance.

The ability to regenerate

Our body is capable of regenerating certain tissues and organs, such as skin cells and liver cells. This regeneration process is essential to maintain our health and well-being throughout our lives.

The microbiome

Science has recently discovered the existence of a system of microorganisms that live in and on our bodies, known as the microbiome. These microorganisms, which include bacteria, fungi and viruses, have a significant impact on our health and the way our body functions.

The social brain

It has been discovered that the human brain has a region specialized in the process of social interaction, known as the “social brain.” This area of the brain is responsible for the perception and processing of social cues, including empathy and understanding the emotions of others.

The nocturnal sleep system

It has recently been discovered that our body has a nighttime sleep system that helps regulate the amount of sleep we need. This system, which is composed of a series of hormones and neurotransmitters, also helps regulate the time we wake up and fall asleep.

The mind’s healing capacity

Science has discovered that our mind has the ability to heal itself and overcome mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. This is achieved through techniques such as meditation, therapy and physical activity.

Musical memory

It has been discovered that our brain has a special capacity for musical memory, which allows us to remember and recognize melodies and songs for years. This ability is due to the way the brain processes musical information and stores it in long-term memory.

Brain plasticity

Science has discovered that the brain is a highly plastic organ, meaning that it is capable of reorganizing itself and creating new neural connections throughout life. This brain plasticity allows the brain to adapt and learn new skills, as well as recover from injury and disease.

The mind-body connection

Science has discovered a close connection between the mind and the body, and how our thoughts and emotions can have a significant impact on our physical health. For example, chronic stress can increase the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases.

Sensory memory

The human body has several types of memory, including sensory memory. Sensory memory allows us to remember sensations, such as the taste of a food or the scent of a perfume. This memory is essential to our ability to enjoy the senses and to recognize situations and objects.

The REM sleep system

REM sleep has been found to be an important phase of nighttime sleep that helps our brain to process and organize information. During the REM sleep phase, our brain is active and processes visual, auditory and sensory information.

The endocannabinoid system

A system in the human body known as the endocannabinoid system has recently been discovered that plays an important role in regulating health and well-being. This system is composed of natural cannabinoid receptors and molecules that interact with them to regulate bodily function and help maintain a healthy balance.

The Immune System

The immune system is one of the most complex and amazing systems in the human body. This system protects us against disease and infection, and is able to remember and fight pathogens it has previously seen. Science has recently discovered that the immune system is also involved in other bodily functions, such as regulating inflammation and pain response.

The intestinal microflora

Science has recently discovered that the human body is inhabited by trillions of microorganisms, known as the intestinal microflora. This microflora plays an important role in health, including digestion, nutrient absorption and regulation of the immune system. In addition, it has been found that the intestinal microflora can be affected by factors such as diet and antibiotics, which can have an impact on overall health.

The most magical and little known aspect of the human body is undoubtedly its capacity for neural plasticity. Neural plasticity refers to the brain’s ability to change and adapt over time and experience. This means that the brain can reorganize itself and create new neural connections, allowing it to learn new skills, form new memories and adapt to new situations.