
Create your own physical controls for the game Space Objects in Space

English - February 28, 2016

You can design your control panels to the ship.
developers Objects in Space they show us how fans can create their own control systems for this unique game, which has in fact anyone can create their own physical control at home one of its most striking features.
This means that buying buttons, switches, LED lights, etc., each player can create your physical control for the game using a virtual serial port. Thus, this game of space exploration and commerce allows fans to a maximum immersion.
Users can create, for example, its own panel of weapons, one of the reactor, another pilot, etc. ., for make them work together, attached to the mouse and keyboard, to emulate all the complexity and feeling of being in a cockpit of a spaceship.
the reactor panel allows enter stealth mode and enable or disable the momentum of the ship, while the pilot can rotate and move the ship in any direction, activate the autopilot, etc. The weapon panel allows you to select the type of weapons and, of course, shoot . The damage panel LED lights to inform the state of the ship shown the exact status of each system and module of the spacecraft.
Under these lines you can see a video and pictures illustrating the creation of own panels.
