
Hugo Silva and Michelle Jenner: “The public does not know how many projects do not go ahead”

English - February 26, 2016


  • Hugo Silva and star Michelle Jenner ‘We need to talk’.
  • In the film, which opens this Friday, February 26, construe Jorge and Nuria a bad couple avenue because of the crisis.
  • the two actors have spoken with 20minutes on this and other of his many projects like ‘the Ministry of Time’ and ‘Juliet’ Almodovar.

just over a decade, the series men Paco converted to Hugo Hugo Silva and Michelle Jenner in one of the star of the small screen couples. The young actors raised passions, the chemistry between them was obvious. Now, many years later, again agree Tenemos to talk , a sitcom directed by David Serrano ( Football Days , Film Days ) in which interpret Jorge and Nuria a bad couple avenue because of the crisis.

Silva and Jenner have talked with 20minutes She always chatty, giggly and given to laughter, he more serious but affable and very precise in his answers-to talk about this latest project and many others that are involved.

been a long time since men Paco , what has changed since then
Hugo Silva: essentially nothing has changed, it is as if time had not passed. Moreover, in these years we have maintained contact and have agreed on a couple of things. It is not important how long we had without being exposed to the public but the time we were working together, there were three very intense years during which we developed a chemistry and a complicity that no longer lost. Everything flows in a very natural way among us, it is exactly the same as before. I am very comfortable with Michelle … and I know that she me too
Michelle.. Yes, not bad (laughs)

The film is said to phrase “we need to talk” is always a bad thing, is it true
M: usually denotes that going to say something serious, and yes, not exactly positive
H.: but what if you says a casting director
M: of course, precisely today Forqué Veronica had an anecdote. David said that when he called, he said, “Veronica, we need to talk”. It turns out it was to propose this role in the film. That is, if there is positive

So it is only negative in relations
H:.. Exactly when there is an emotional connection and tell you that. ..
M: Man, if he is in a job that you are already and is the director and says “we need to talk,” there is bad, there is scary. (Laughs)

What other phrases believe they give bad sign in a relationship
H: “And who is this hair?” (Laughs)
M:.. Or when you start “but do not be angry …”

Also you see that money can be a big problem in all kinds of relationships, is not
H: never mix, never
M. When a crisis occurs, I think outcropping parts of yourself that maybe had not yet been shown or even the true face, and that’s what makes you see at that time if you are done or not to live with that person or if that ends up separating you because you see it differently.

of course, the crisis is one of the triggers of the plot. At first listed many of the causes of the current situation
M:. And there went all had more ideas
H. Sure, you have been so many … More than all what is done is that the viewer, already at this time and know everything that happened, was shocked when he sees the whole issue of mortgages, business, investments … and also going to see each other themselves, ourselves, how was that Spain ten years ago, we thought it was going like a rocket. phrases such beasts as “Spain is in the Champions League of European economy”, “Spain is the locomotive of the Mediterranean” and actually Spain were a lot of people who were a little cheated.

heard <. strong> And that has brought us to a time when there is not even a clear government
M. Now they have to talk (laughs)

Then, what would say is the message of the movie?
This is a film that, apart from being a comedy eneredo and be placed in the context of the crisis, is very encouraging. He talks a lot of the concept of family affection. I think that’s a little message that could give this comedy, which ultimately most importantly, what you wear when you are just all the experiences, memories and have wanted much and have enjoyed in life. And in the end, even if you have suffered, even if you have missed money, although you had some disappointment in life, the most important thing is to try to deal with things in a happy way.

In the film, Nuria decides to act out of pity, do you think that’s a good motivation in life
M: I do not know if it’s a pity. I would call it empathy, because you do not want anyone to suffer. What we want to avoid the suffering of others, but sometimes messes

Are these good intentions justify even the lies
M.? In general, humans lie much. I read an article once where we were lying put many times a day and it is true. Perhaps in such a silly thing as someone asks you what exactly you answer, when maybe at that time it is not true because it hurt something. We lie a lot, but in this case is not to cause suffering to another or to smooth things over before saying
H:.. I totally agree with my colleague

Do you lie a lot ?
H: no, no. The truth is that I try to lie as little as possible. Not for nothing, I think it is a selfish question. Not that I’m very empathetic, which I think I am, but good-, is more than anything because I think lives better, calmer. Certainly there are sensitive issues that can hurt someone and then try to tone it down a bit, exposing it so that that person receives this painful truth in a gentle way. But come on, I think that lying there since there is intelligence and the use of the word. The lie is with you

How to bring the fact to do comedy ?, like gender
M.? It made me much respect and much miedito. I am perhaps less used to doing comedy to do drama, so also wanted me, I really wanted to do something different and deal with something new.

You, Michelle, released last week The crown starting . It seems that the character of Isabel will be with you for many years. Do you have affection
M: That I have a cameíto. And yes, of course I would love. It misses, because characters and not fall every day. Able to play a character so strong, so variable, from his 14 years until his death early fifties, with all that variety of details … Each chapter was different. It was lovely. I always carry with me. People remember me for that character is very nice because it means that also followed him and lived.

On the other hand, you, Hugo, has been released in the Ministry of time , how was the experience
H: It has been fantastic. I participated with a great team, I discovered coworkers who had never worked and I was able to repeat with others with whom he had himself done. I loved playing a character that is of a very specific time that marks much and as will be seen later, in the next chapters, there are times when he himself should play other characters from other eras. This double game had never done and the truth is that I’ve had very good.

Have you already had contact with the fan phenomenon of the series?
M:. The ministéricos
H: I’m very happy because, after this first chapter, which has come to me have been very good vibrations, good vibes. Suddenly I see that the public, especially ministéricos, more fanatical public, is excited about the character and the truth is that never happened. He had never come to a site being new. Whenever I have participated in projects I have been involved from the beginning. I am happy. Besides, I was also ministérico before being in the series.

Michelle, how has your work with Pedro Almodóvar in Juliet
It was a wonderful experience, a pleasure. I have had a nice time. I have a character that is tiny but is very nice and is the trigger for everything that happens in the film. It is a luxury. Still they ask me and I do not think I’m in that movie. It will be released on April 8.

Is not there a clash between this apparent momentum of the cultural industry and the shortcomings always denounced from within?
M does not help. it is the part you see, because we also live from within many projects that never come out. From the outside you only see what comes out and is not usually talk about what does not come out. But it happens to me a lot to have many projects and suddenly one falls, another is delayed until who knows when …
H: It’s very curious because we are living a moment in which, on the one hand, the audience suddenly is in perfect communion with the fiction-and I do not say the film, also the television. Suddenly the public is accepting and enjoying much of what is being done, but it’s true what it says Michelle, she does not know the public is not half of what could be done is being done and that’s because yet there are not enough resources to do so. And I insist, VAT does nothing

Are you still listening to heavy music
H.? No, no (laughs). I left
M. Mane (laughs)
H was cut. It’s just like saying what food you like. Small maybe you liked the chocolate, but now I like everything. With this happens to me the same. I liked the metal, rock & roll and when I like electronic music, ethnic music I like, I like flamenco, I like the funky, I like everything ….
