
The true story of the Smurfs

Curiosities - May 1, 2019

The story of the Smurfs has hinted for many critics, a plot full of hidden and satanic messages. In this article, you can find an analysis done from that perspective. In total there are about a hundred Smurfs, but always in all the adventures are a few, such as: Strong, Dull, Grumpy, Selfish, Vanity, Sweet, Philosopher, among others.

Image 1. The true story of the Smurfs

There are many unknowns around the Smurfs

Many relate them as a direct relationship with the seven deadly sins. In the case of a philosopher, he represents envy as he repeatedly tries to impersonate Papa Smurf and know more than he does. Lust would be represented by Smurfette.

Gargamel, is the villain of history but if we look closely, his outfit is that of a Franciscan monk and the features of his house, look like those of a church in ruins, as well as lived Francis of Assisi.

Almost everything revolves and resolves around Papa Smurf, who in his armchair keeps the symbol of the five-pointed star, widely used in the magical arts. According to experts in symbology, this tender little old man would be representing Satan and that is why he is dressed in red.

In the decade of the 80 they were too famous, because in the toy stores there were plenty of dolls, as well as key rings, t-shirts, commercials and the whole consumer system gave them all their attention.

Another point that is taken into account, is that there is only one Smurfette for 99 Smurfs. The teacher of Gargamel is called Balthasar, he wears violet and is very similar to a bishop. In fact, Gargamel kisses the ring, having it in front.

Gargamel’s cat is called Azrael, which means the avenging angel. And finally, magic spells, spells, curses, etc. are being performed all the time.

Truth or lie, fable or myth, or true is that this fun animated series taken to the big screen to captivate millions of people in the world.

Another vision

The story of the Smurfs has hinted for many critics, a plot full of hidden and satanic messages. In this article, you can find an analysis done from that perspective. In total there are about a hundred Smurfs, but always in all the adventures are a few, such as: Strong, Dull, Grumpy, Selfish, Vanity, Sweet, Philosopher, among others.

There are many unknowns around the Smurfs

Many relate them as a direct relationship with the seven deadly sins. In the case of a philosopher, he represents envy as he repeatedly tries to impersonate Papa Smurf and know more than he does. Lust would be represented by Smurfette.

Gargamel, is the villain of history but if we look closely, his outfit is that of a Franciscan monk and the features of his house, look like those of a church in ruins, as well as lived Francis of Assisi.

Almost everything revolves and resolves around Papa Smurf, who in his armchair keeps the symbol of the five-pointed star, widely used in the magical arts. According to experts in symbology, this tender little old man would be representing Satan and that is why he is dressed in red.

In the decade of the 80 they were too famous, because in the toy stores there were plenty of dolls, as well as key rings, t-shirts, commercials and the whole consumer system gave them all their attention.

Another point that is taken into account, is that there is only one Smurfette for 99 Smurfs. The teacher of Gargamel is called Balthasar, he wears violet and is very similar to a bishop. In fact, Gargamel kisses the ring, having it in front.

Gargamel’s cat is called Azrael, which means the avenging angel. And finally, magic spells, spells, curses, etc. are being performed all the time.

Truth or lie, fable or myth, or true is that this fun animated series taken to the big screen to captivate millions of people in the world.
