
The Yakusa samurai and the origin of the Japanese Mafia

Curiosities - July 31, 2019

And who would have thought that the famous samurai, strict, proud of their power and respect, would become the famous and fearedJapanese Mafia of the Yakusa.

Image 1. The Yakusa samurai and the origin of the Japanese Mafia

A lethal grouping

As is well known, the samurai date back to the EDO era, but after the centralization of power and the feudal period, the ancient samurai became military members who could be hired: they were called the famous Ronin, who later organized themselves in the service of the people to finally become one of the oldest and most respected mafias in the world, the Yakusa.

The famous phrase that says “power corrupts” for the Yakusa was no exception. At the beginning of the twentieth century drug trafficking, money laundering, bookmakers and even prostitution in Japan, was controlled by this mafia.

Even so, the Yakusa follow the organization and discipline of the samurai,where the code of duty and obedience are strong, on the contrary, disloyalty and betrayal are paid in the worst possible way.

One of the most commonly used punishments among them is the amputation of the phalanxes of the little finger, which is commonly used when one of the members of this mafia makes some mistake. In the form of compensation and voluntarily the person who failed, a part of the pinkie is removed.

One of the most fascinating features of the Yakusa Mafia is the elaborate tattoos, which until a few years ago were a secret of this clan. But thanks to the report by Belgian photographer Anton Kuster, the world was able to learn about the works of art that have made his body the Yakusa.

Each of the tattoos are particularly unique and have meanings for each of its members, such as their status within the Mafia, which family they belong to, and life-marking experiences.

Throughout Japan’s history, the Yakusa have intervened, making it an important piece of Japan’s tradition. Despite having a reputation as mercenaries and bloodthirsty, they follow the principles of their ancestors the samurai.

That is to say the protection and aid to the people of Japan, so much so that after the catastrophic event of the earthquake in 2011, all members of the 3000 clans of this mafia, went to help the affected populations, rescuing many lives and even do important economic aid, so that the country of the rising sun will overcome this disastrous event.