
Drastic, the best Nintendo DS emulator for Android now available

English - August 8, 2013

In Android we have a pretty decent catalog of games, either with more classic games deliveries or new sagas. However, that is not always enough, and we envy enters an alternative system such as a handheld. Here’s where the emulators, run programs that allow games that normally run on other hardware. By how complicated it is to simulate systems that are usually closed, these emulators are not perfect, but they are to play a lot of those titles we want.

emulator that we present today is DRASTIC, and allows us to play the titles released for the Nintendo DS. Thanks to the huge success of the portable console from the Japanese manufacturer, received a lot of games of all genres, although the role, puzzle games and rhythm had a significant presence. Now we can enjoy them in our Android device, although with some minor flaws.

And although emulation seems to be very good (with a good frame rate and compatibility with most titles), drastic failures are not related to its quality as a program, but the very concept of the Nintendo DS. The novelty of this console over its predecessors and competition is the presence of two screens, one touch. Some developers used only one of the screens to show the action, leaving the school to access menus or display data, but there are certain securities in which the action takes place on both screens at the same time.

workaround, Drastic can choose how we distribute the two screens on the space we have in our device. For example, we give priority to a screen on the other, or even use just one if we lose the information that shows the other. Clearly, if we have a large device like a tablet it will be easier to see the two screens without problems, although a smartphone should have no problem depending on the game.

Drastic has the advantages of most emulators, as eg the possibility to save the game wherever we want, or we turn tricks make life easier. Even we can improve the graphics in some way. Of course, this seems the best option to enjoy Nintendo DS games on Android, although it has a paste. The price of € 5.99 will be deterrent for many people, but seeing their serviceability can be worthwhile. However, to make it work legally we will need certain files from a Nintendo DS we have. The program itself tells us the first time I started.

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Article was published in The Free Android (The Android Blog reference. applications, News, Games and Free Android smartphones)

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