
FactSlides, to read and share daily curiosities

English - August 9, 2013

Many of us love to discover curiosities and surf the Internet in search of interesting information of any kind (including me), so a website that automatically displays you trivia and interesting facts can be a good find.

This is the case of FactSlides, page exclusively dedicated to informing different random events that also deploys in a very nice visually. Primarily we go browsing the website by going through the various curiosities by clicking the “next” button, and these will be rolled out as # INVOICE1, # INVOICE2, etcetera. If we want to know facts about a particular topic, we have several sections shown in the bottom menu with items such as beer, Hitler, money, Japan or the Simpsons.

Finally, and if we want to simply plant us in front of the screen to go curiosities reading one after another, we can automate the process by selecting the speed at which pass down the slides at the top right of the screen (from 5 seconds to 5 minutes).

printer ink is more expensive than the blood there is a restaurant that has monkeys work as waiters, the chickens are the closest relatives of T. Rex we have today, in the UK, to be 100 years old, you receive a personalized postcard sent by Queen …

We may share any curiosity from the Share button, which will serve to give “like” to what we read or share it on Facebook. Channel can also follow on Twitter @ FACTslides.

In a way it is addictive, at least for a while I’ve been curious passing curiosity.
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