
How to get followers on Instagram in 2022?

Business, English, Technology - August 25, 2022

Image 1. How to get followers on Instagram in 2022?

How to get followers on Instagram and what will it give you?

Today, no successful brand is complete without social networks. This is not only a great way to get customer feedback, but also a huge platform for advertising and popularizing your brand. In addition to famous brands, social networks are also actively used by celebrities, video bloggers, influencers, etc. Without having your own Instagram account, you simply will not be able to become popular. However, it is often extremely difficult to recruit your audience, especially when no one knows about you. In order to answer the question: “How to get followers on Instagram?”, we will tell you about some useful methods, the first of which is the use of a special Internet service. A high-quality service, bot or application will help you easily get free IG followers without the need to order advertising from other users. This method is very convenient because you do not depend on third-party users, and in which case you can always say that you have achieved your popularity on your own, without the help of anyone.

The next way you can gain an audience is by using hashtags. Try to use the most appropriate target tags on the subject to attract the attention of interested people. Hashtags will make your publications visible to people who are not subscribed to you, and you can also use them to lead headings, develop a brand, catch a wave of hype, show content to users from your region. You can also use your geolocation. This is mandatory if you have a regional business, a cafe or a home studio. The tag will increase the reach due to users who are near you geographically. They are also very likely to become clients of your beauty salon or hairdresser, especially since, taking into account recent events, it has become relevant to visit salons, massage rooms and other treatment facilities, if possible, within a radius of 1 km from home.

Another good way to recruit an audience is through collaborations. Record a joint video with another blogger, conduct a joint broadcast with a celebrity and interest part of their audience. This will certainly help to gain subscribers.

And probably the simplest, but at the same time effective method will be the creation of interesting content. Come up with your own chips, because of which users will want to share the publication, or tell something useful in the collections so that subscribers can save them. The main thing is to be sincere with your audience.

When choosing the method of recruiting subscribers, you should be careful not to get the opposite effect. There are exactly the same huge number of ways for you to lose most of your audience at 1 moment, as well as ruin your reputation.

Black PR.

Creating your own media image on someone else’s grief, or on any other method of black PR, extremely repels the audience and completely destroys your reputation. Remember that even though people love “hot news”, however, everything should have its own edge, which you cannot cross.

You also shouldn’t be overly intrusive and post publications often. It’s better to make posts in prime time – at a time when the largest number of users will see your photos and videos. Usually people do two fasts: in the morning, when people go to work, and in the evening, when they return from there. Someone also advises posting the publication late in the evening or even at night, but for me personally, the effectiveness of this is questionable. However, set up an experiment and see: if your audience is online at this time, why not?

Another way to ruin your account is the lack of interaction with the audience. When you watch TV, for example, no one answers you. And this is completely normal. But Instagram is not Television, but a social network created for communication.  Arrange interactivity, ask people questions and communicate in the comments. This will set people up for you and help improve statistics.

Also, try not to avoid comprehensive promotion services. Yes, I don’t feel very good about massfollowing and masslaying, which are used by integrated promotion services. This is something like a cheat. But even from such actions there is a sense, the audience is growing, although not very effectively.

What gives popularity on Instagram?

How to gain popularity on Instagram, we found out. But why do we need this information if we don’t really understand why to do it? Let’s assume what benefit it can be for you.

  1. Self-esteem. If your parents disliked you as a child, and classmates offended you, a large audience can raise your self-esteem. And if you grew up in a completely healthy atmosphere, too. So, this is one of the reasons why people want a lot of subscribers.
  2. Income. Instagram makes money from advertising. Or the sale of goods, services or affiliate programs. The richer your imagination, the more ways you can come up with.
  3. Bloggers nowadays are called opinion leaders. If you have a large audience on one of the social networks, you will be invited to various forums, events, television, and so on.

However, popularity has its drawbacks

Your personal life ceases to be such. Now everyone knows who and where you are with. Thousands of people you don’t even know will be watching you around the clock. In addition to this, your popularity will require maintaining the image that you build on the social network, since not every audience will want to see you as you really are.


Popularity is a pretty nice thing, especially when you understand how you can get it and how to use it correctly. However, like everything else, it has its drawbacks. Before you promote your account on Instagram, Facebook or anywhere else, think carefully, is it worth it?