
How to Get Started with Software Quality Assurance, A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Business, English - October 18, 2021
Image 1. How to Get Started with Software Quality Assurance, A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners


In this article, I will be discussing software quality assurance and its importance. Also, how to start this practice in your organization and the benefits of starting the same.

When we talk about software quality we often think of different terms like bugs, defects, or errors; however, they are all used interchangeably by most people. 

They all refer to the same thing and one of them is quality assurance (QA). The term “quality” as used in software development has a different meaning than that of an ordinary person. So, when we talk about software quality we are actually talking about testing it for errors.

What is Software Quality Assurance & How Can It Help You?

Software Quality Assurance is a set of processes that are used to ensure the quality of software. Quality assurance refers to the process of providing input, receiving feedback, and taking corrective action when necessary in order for a product or service to be developed successfully. 

In the context of software development, it is defined as a set of activities that are performed to ensure that a program meets specified requirements and specifications. It involves various steps such as testing, verification, auditing, and training in order to achieve specific goals or outcomes.

There are several benefits associated with quality assurance, which are as follows:

  • It can help to reduce the cost of development. The processes that are involved in quality assurance are very effective, and they do not require much investment compared to the amount of money that is required for developing a software product or service. 
  • It can also ensure that your product or service is developed in accordance with the requirements and specifications that were stated during the development process. 
  • It can help to reduce errors. The processes involved in quality assurance ensure that a software product or service does not contain any bugs or other defects, which will prevent it from being used for its intended purpose.
  • It can also help to reduce the time that is required for developing a software product or service. If there are no defects, then it will take less time to develop a product, and it will be more efficient as well. 
  • It can ensure that your product or service meets certain standards of quality. This is because it can ensure that the software has been developed in accordance with certain standards and specifications, which will enable you to demonstrate your product or service to your customers or clients.

Guide to Get Started with Software Quality Assurance:

Ways of testing

Manual testing

Manual testing is a non-automated method to test an application manually using human intelligence for identifying defects or errors in a product. It also provides detailed information about any possible risks involved with the use of that product. 

The cost of developing software includes time spent on testing, which can range from 10% to 50%. The higher this percentage, the more quality assurance is required during the development phase which will lead to high cost. 

This can be avoided by following some manual software testing techniques, best practices, and standards before releasing the product into a production environment.

Automated Testing

Automated testing is the process of software verification and validation to ensure that an application or any other type of computer program meets specific requirements. 

It does this by analyzing the software against a set of criteria, known as acceptance criteria, and then reporting whether or not it conforms to that predetermined standard. The testing process is automated in order to save time and money. It is very cost-effective in the long run.

Automatic tests are fast and can be repeated on a frequent basis to identify any problems that might have occurred during software development. They are more efficient than manual testing because they can generate an accurate result quickly and without a lot of manual effort.

The biggest disadvantage is that the results from automated tests are not as detailed and precise as those produced by manual testing, so there is a risk that they may be missed or misinterpreted.

Two Methods of testing

White Box testing

White box testing is a technique that is used for testing the internal workings of a system. It does not do any black-box testing and instead focuses on the logic of the program and how it works internally.

White box testing is done by programmers and developers. It involves using specific test data to input into the program and validate different scenarios of input values. This can be done by using various tools and utilities that are available on the market.

Black box testing

Black box testing is a technique that is used for testing an application’s functionality or user interface. It does not do any white box testing and instead focuses on the logic of the program and how it works externally.

Black box testing is done by testers and developers. It involves using various tools and utilities that are available on the market to perform a series of tests, which include functional as well as non-functional tests. 

Different levels of testing

Unit testing

Unit testing is a term that is used to describe the process of testing the smallest units of code in order to ensure that they are working correctly.

Unit tests are simple, fast, and repeatable making them one of the best ways to improve software quality. The best way to think about these tests is in terms of how they will be used in production. 

The unit test will measure how well your code responds in production scenarios which can help you identify issues with your code before it becomes a problem for your customer. 

Integration testing

Integration testing is a type of software testing that verifies the interfaces between components, subsystems, or modules of a larger program. Integration tests are often used to exercise the interfaces between newly written code and legacy code that has already been tested.

Integration tests are done to make sure that all parts work together as expected. Integration tests can be manual or automated. Manual integration tests are performed by human testers using the software manually, whereas automated integration tests are performed by tools without human involvement.

System testing

System testing is a crucial part of software quality assurance. Typically, system testing is done to ensure that the product distributed by the company meets the customer’s expectations and needs.

System testing ensures that products are free from bugs and flaws. It checks for structural errors in the final product before it reaches the customers. System testing includes a variety of techniques such as exploration, experimentation, examination, measurement, and inspection.

Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing is the process of determining whether a system or software application meets all requirements before it is released to production.

The purpose of acceptance testing is to determine if the product has been completed successfully and that no bugs have been introduced into the final product. 

Acceptance tests are typically performed by the software development team before releasing the product to production. Acceptance testing can be used as a method of determining if your product is finished and ready for release.

Top 8 Challenges that Comes While Software Quality Assurance Testing

Image 2. How to Get Started with Software Quality Assurance, A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

1. Testing Time

Testing time is the amount of time it takes to complete a test case or unit under development. The testing process can be measured in hours, days, weeks, months, and years. This affects project planning because it may determine when the software will be ready for release if deadlines are not met.

2. Testing Effectiveness

Testing effectiveness is the ability of a test to detect faults or errors that would cause damage if they were left in the product for delivery. It can be measured by error rate, failure rate, and defect density. 

3. Test Maintenance and Maintenance Effort

Testing maintenance is the effort needed to keep test cases updated. It can be measured by the number of updates, length of time between updates, and testing complexity. 

4. Test Documentation

Documentation refers to the process of writing and maintaining test plans, specifications, and other documents that describe how tests are performed. 

5. Test Maintenance Knowledge Required

Test maintenance knowledge is the level of skill needed to update test plans, specifications, and other documents that describe how tests are performed.

6. Number of Tests Needed per Functionality Area

Software engineers are often required to design, implement and maintain the software product. This means that they need to know how to test each of its functionality.

7. Quality of Test Data

This is a measure of the effectiveness of the test data. It is usually measured by using unit testing techniques and/or regression testing, which involve running software through its tests with and without changes to make sure that they do not break it.

8. Change Management Challenges

Test managers need to ensure that the tests are maintained in an effective manner. This is done by making sure that the test cases are updated regularly and test updates are performed when they are needed.

13 Best Practices for Software Quality Assurance

The Best Practices for Software Quality Assurance are as follows:

Software Development Process

Software development processes are used to ensure that the product or service is of high quality, and they help the team develop a reliable product or service. 

There are several different software development processes, but some of them are similar to each other in terms of their purpose. These software development processes all aim to ensure that the product or service is of high quality, and they help the team develop a reliable product or service. 

It is important for developers to follow these processes when developing new products and services, as this will help to ensure that the product or service is of high quality.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The software development life cycle (SDLC) is a model used by software developers to determine how they will develop a new product or service. It describes all of the steps that a software developer must take to develop a new product or service, and it includes the following:

The SDLC model is an important concept for developers as it helps them plan how they will create their products and services. The process of developing a new product or service can be complex, but if a developer follows the SDLC model, then they will be able to create a reliable product or service.

Development Team

Software quality assurance is usually done by a team of developers, testers, and other professionals. This team should be able to work together effectively in order to achieve the goals that are associated with software quality assurance. 

The team members must have knowledge about all aspects of development, including programming languages, systems, and other aspects of software development. The team members must also have a good understanding of software quality assurance and they should be able to apply the methods that are involved in this process.

The following types of people can work together on a development team: 


Image 3. How to Get Started with Software Quality Assurance, A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Software testers check the functionality of a product or service before it is delivered to the customer. They test the product by using a number of different techniques, such as: 


Software designers make sure that all of the requirements for a software product or service have been met. They ensure that all functional and non-functional requirements are included in the software. The designers are responsible for the overall design of a software product or service, and they must ensure that all of the requirements have been met.

Quality Assurance Manager 

Software quality assurance managers ensure that there is sufficient knowledge about software development processes to help the team develop high-quality products and services. They are responsible for ensuring that the team follows the correct software development processes, and they must ensure that all of the requirements have been met.

Business Analysis

Business analysis is the process of determining what features and functions should be included in a new product or service. 

It involves analyzing data from existing products and services to identify what they do, and then this data is used to determine what new features and functions should be included in the product or service. 

This analysis is a very important part of developing a new product or service as it helps developers understand what customers want from their products and services.

Requirements Gathering

Requirements gathering is the process of finding out what customers want from a new product or service. 

It involves identifying all of the requirements that are needed for a new product or service, and then these requirements are used to determine how developers should design their products and services. 

The process of requirements gathering is an important part of developing a new product or service as it helps developers understand what customers want from their products and services.

Test case design

Test cases should be written in a way that will enable the test to run quickly and accurately. This is because it saves time and also reduces human errors. It also makes sure that there are no bugs when the test case is executed.

Reports observation 

When it comes to software quality assurance, companies need to make sure that they are following the right practices in order to prevent faults. Inspections are one of the most popular methods of software quality assurance.  

A report is an important tool that is used by software testers in order to document their findings and observations. Reports can be structured using a variety of formats including tabular, graphical, or textual. 

They are designed to present data, information, findings, and/or conclusions about an organization’s work or operations. A report is also a written document submitted for consideration by an individual or group of people who have been chosen as potential recipients or customers for the item being reported on.

Talk to the team

Image 4. How to Get Started with Software Quality Assurance, A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

A good test lead must be able to communicate with the team. This is because it helps them in understanding what is needed and how they can help in improving their testing processes. Software quality assurance is the process of evaluating the quality of software products. 

It is necessary to assure that the software fulfills its requirements and does not contain any errors. This process should be done at all stages of development by testing the product for any potential problems.

It is important that all members of a team are aware of what they are doing, whether they are part of testing or development because it’s their job to ensure software quality assurance.

Test design documentation 

A test design document is a document that documents the intent, objectives, scope, approach, assumptions, limitations, and risks of a test. This includes the purpose of the test, the testing methods to be used, and any other practical information relating to the planned testing activities. It also includes what is to be not tested.

There are various types of quality assurance plans which are used for different purposes. There is no one way to do it so it depends on what you need or want to use it for.

Clean the code

Clean code is a software engineering practice that focuses on the aesthetics and quality of the source code.

The idea behind clean code is to write and maintain clear, simple, human-readable, and easy-to-understand source code. The authors emphasize readability and maintainability over quickness and efficiency.

Clean code adheres to a small set of principles: naming conventions, appropriate formatting, compactness of expression, readability which includes commenting among other things.

Test execution environment

Tests must be executed on a system that has been set up properly and has been verified for its compatibility with the software being tested. This ensures that the test case is being executed properly. 

Software quality assurance can be defined as a continual process that focuses on the evaluation and improvement of the quality of software products.

Test execution environment practice is an important aspect of software testing. It is an aspect that should not be neglected because it helps in improving the software product’s quality.

There are various types of test execution environments and different circumstances where test execution environment practices are required:

– Testing to determine system readiness for release: The environment should closely simulate operational conditions and be comprehensively tested before release.

– Testing for regression: Regression testing must be performed after every major change to ensure stability, performance, and functionality has not been compromised

Target operating model 

It is important to understand the target operating model of the software being tested. This will help in ensuring that all features are working properly and accurately. The target operating model practice for software quality assurance is to use tools to ensure quality is not compromised in any way.

The purpose of establishing a target operating model practice in Software Quality Assurance is to ensure there are no bugs in the code, making sure that the user experience is not compromised when using it. 

Systematic approach

The systematic approach can be divided into the following steps:

a) The first step is to plan, which includes analyzing the system requirements, identifying the objectives of testing, and establishing an appropriate testing schedule.

b) The second step is to design, which includes deciding on the type of test to use, determining how to deal with errors that are detected during testing, and developing test cases.

c) The third step is to execute, which includes executing tests according to predetermined plans and interpreting results.

d) The fourth step is finally reporting results for further study or remediation. The systematic approach is applicable to software testing as well. In fact, the same approaches can be used for both types of testing.


In conclusion, software testing is a process that can be used to test the quality of software. Software testing can be done by different types of testers such as manual, automated, and integration testers. 

There are different types of tests such as exploratory, exploratory test, acceptance test, and system tests. There are many ways to test software but these methods can all be used to determine the quality of software. 

Software testing is a crucial part of the process that ensures that products meet customer expectations and needs. We hope this guide will help you in testing your product and making it successful.