
How to hide your IP address?

Business, English - April 11, 2017

Virtual Private Network is a network of devices that is created on the top of another and inside of which secure channels are created for data exchange thanks to encryption technologies.

The VPN server manages user accounts of this network and serves as their entry point to the Internet. I often hide my IP and I will tell you how to do it below. Through it, the encrypted traffic is transmitted. If you don’t want anyone to see your real IP address, a VPN is for you.

Image 1. How to hide your IP address?

Why should I hide my IP address?

When does a person need another IP?

  • He or she was banned on some site or in the game, and this person really wants to continue to use it or play it;
  • He or she is in Iran and wants to go to Facebook;
  • He or she wants to sit on Facebook from a computer, but this site is blocked in his office network;
  • He or she buys plane tickets or books a hotel. On some sites, prices for visitors to different countries may differ;
  • He or she wants to order goods in an American-online store that monitors IP-buyers and filters delivery from other countries IPs to internal addresses like Apple;
  • He or she plays online games and wants to play with opponents from other countries.

Image 2. How to hide your IP address?

Free or paid VPN provider?

VPN technologies allow creating one or several network connections on the top of another network, for example, over an Internet connection from your provider. Built-in logical networks for data protection use various means of cryptography.

The demand for VPN networks is due to the fact that it can provide a high level of encryption of transmitted information and anonymity of the user on the Web. The creation of such networks requires certain costs for both technological equipment and for software, personnel salaries. However, for free users, there are available free solutions. In this case, of course, there is always a certain risk of using free VPN services through questionable intermediaries.


The speed of Internet access when using a VPN provider may be lower than without it. First of all, it concerns free VPNs. In addition, it can be unstable: depending on the time of day or the location of the selected server.

Technical difficulties

The VPN provider may have interruptions in operations. Especially if it is small and little known. The most common problem: VPN disconnected and doesn’t inform anyone. You should make sure that your connection is blocked in case of problems with the server.

Otherwise, it can be the following way: write vicious comments to the article of your roommate, and the VPN quietly disconnected and the real IP is lit up in the admin area, you missed it, and the neighbor noticed and prepares a plan for the revenge.