
Calls WhatsApp vs calls in Telegram: what uses more data and battery

English - April 8, 2017
  • Telegram leads the comparison in terms of security, privacy, or quality of the calls.
  • Both applications consume the same percentage of battery.
  • In the case of consumption data, WhatsApp is the clear winner: Telegram consumes more than double in a voice call is five minutes.
  • a few weeks Ago that was implanted this feature in Telegram.

Image 1. Calls WhatsApp vs calls in Telegram: what uses more data and battery

The voice calls are already available since a few weeks in the app of instant messaging Telegram, a feature that takes almost two years deployed in WhatsApp, the implementation leader and his main rival. From Andro4all have developed acomparison to background of voice calls in the two applications from the point of view of the quality of the calls, the consumption of battery and data, as well as the privacy and security in both platforms.

Security and privacy. Both haveencrypted end-to-end, which safeguards the privacy of users to make voice calls. However, Telegram beats WhatsApp this land, which includes the option of block calls for unwanted users or even block all calls, regardless of who it is the contact.

Quality of the calls. Telegram is the clear winner with a superior quality to the calls of WhatsApp by integratingcodecs specialized that adapt to the conditions of each call. This makes the audio much more crisp and the background noise decreases.

battery Consumption. the battery is The headache of many users, so we want to spend the less load posibe to make a voice call. To verify which of the two applications was consuming less battery power, Andro4all loaded at 100% an smartphone —in this case, a OnePlus 3— and then made a voice call in each of 5 minutes duration. Both consumed 1% of battery.

Consumption of data. as the battery, the data is another of the decisive factors tipping the balance in favour or against an application installed on a mobile device. After doing a check similar to that of the battery, came to the conclusion thatWhatsApp win at this point to consume 925,9 KB in a call of five minutes connected to the mobile data network. Telegram consumed in the same time interval more than double of data, 2.5 MB. Both applications also have an option to activate the savings from mobile data that helps to reduce the consumption of data at the expense of worsening the quality of the audio.

Interface. The appearance and form of use the voice call is different depending on the application. While in WhatsApp you have to access a chat with a contact, and then click on the icon of a call, Telegram is not as visible: accessed inside of a conversation with a contact, but to display the options menu and choose the call.

Usability. Both have the option of enable or disable the speakeror the microphone or hang up a call. A function that has not yet been implemented in any of the two applications is to record the audio of the calls.
