
How to view your statistics for navigation in Google Maps for Android

English - July 12, 2018

Image 1. How to view your statistics for navigation in Google Maps for Android

The new interface of Google Maps for Android devices wine accompanied by small changes, as your new finder reviews, new recommendations for affinity, or as we will see bellow, the new stats navigation.

Now from the application we find a new section with our monthly statistics, which informs us of the miles, travel and more navigation data made with Google Maps.

Your stats navigation

Image 2. How to view your statistics for navigation in Google Maps for Android

This information is found in the new tab Car. There at the end of your tab, we find the new (Your stats navigation. In the main view shows us the miles and trips made, but clicking on More statistics see the data:

  • Distance
  • Travel
  • average Speed
  • Time in traffic
  • total Time

These statistics provide us with very interesting information, since they allow us to know the times that we used the navigation of Google Maps (number of trips), the time spent per month retained by the traffic and the average speed of all movements.

Disable statistics

Image 3. How to view your statistics for navigation in Google Maps for Android

Entering the Settings or navigation Settings we can disable statistics of navigation if we are not concerned that Google will remind us of the use we are making to Google Maps. Disabling this option will clear the current statistics.

In Xataka Android | How to change the voice of Google Maps to listen to the directions without the names of streets and roads

The news How to view your statistics for navigation in Google Maps for Android was originally published in Xataka Android by Cosmos.

Xataka Android