
Most famous names investing in e-sports

Business, English - May 11, 2020

Image 1. Most famous names investing in e-sports

The market for business related to videogames has been growing since the days of the first console. It is an industry that has evolved along with its audience, and now even celebrities are getting into the game, with some really famous names investing in e-sports.

Variety is the biggest advantage for celebrities looking to get into the business, there are enough choices to satisfy a diverse demographic of investors and gamers.

Investors can build structures for betting and competitive play in big hit titles like Counter-Strike, with its many version offering the opportunity to develop championships, smaller tournaments and more, the opportunities for a platform like are endless, driven by the interests of gamers, that want the chance to make their hobby into something else.

There is also the avenue of creating a team that will capitalize on having the best players, winning on the biggest stages, and like other professionals, sports sell merchandise, access to the team, broadcasting rights, and more.

Who are the house known names making e-sports their next investment:

Michael Jordan

Air Mike himself called e-sports “a fast-growing, international industry” sharing excipients in being involved in an industry that has so much potential for growth.

The NBA legend has invested millions in aXiomatic Gaming, the competitive gaming company that owns the famous Team Liquid.

They say that game recognizes game, so what better show of success than being supported by one of the greatest sports personas in history.

For the billionaire, this might be another slam dunk in business.


The top recording rapper has dipped his, and his pocket, into many ventures, form the NBA raptors, music, to e-sports.

While dropping new tracks, and filling arenas, Drake has also found time to drop an undisclosed amount of money into 100 Thieves, the e-sport organization which he now co-owns.

100 Thieves manage several teams for games like Call of Duty or League of Legends, and it is also a lifestyle brand and gaming organization.

Whether you like his music or not, all gamers can get down with this smart choice.

Stephen Curry

The San Francisco Warrior’s superstar player has been making investments off the court with e-sport company TSM.

The two-time NBA MVP was part of a group that invested 37$ on the company, even his teammate Andre Iguodala got into the action as well.

TSM runs teams in both League of Legends and Fortnite, it also trains prospects and prepares them for the big jump.

Will Smith

The Hollywood blockbuster star is part of a group investment of $46 million that went into e-sport company Gen.G. 

Gen G has earned a great reputation as a winning team for competitions in e-sports with League Of Legends, Call of Duty o Clash Royale.

And a lot more

E-sports is one of the fastest-growing industries out there with a lot more celebrities getting into the game than we have a chance to get into depth with, but here are a few more: Alex Rodriguez, Kevin Durant, Sean “Diddy” Combs, Alex Rodriguez, and Ronaldo.