
Ana de Armas starts from zero again at age 27

English - October 10, 2015


  • The Cuban actress arrives in Hollywood with ‘Knock Knock’, his first film in English.
  • In the film seduces Keanu Reeves in a deadly game.

He came, saw and conquered Spain with 18 and now, at 27, the Cuban Ana de Armas disembarks in Hollywood with Knock Knock , his first film in English, which seduces Keanu Reeves in a deadly game and that starts with that, wait, it’s a long history in American industry.

Starting from scratch Hollywood after all this time in Spain is hard and is a sacrifice, but it’s my decision and I am very proud, “the actress said in an interview this week. “I feel good and perform. In the end, you can go right or wrong, but I have been true to myself and I did what I felt I should do. Of course I want to return to Spain, to Cuba … Later I’ll go where he is, but now we have to be here. In Hollywood you have to see your face, “he said.

Knock Knock , Eli Roth, tells how two young attractive and missing (Lorenza Izzo and weapons) in full rainy night knock on the door of a parent (Reeves) who will spend the weekend alone at home. What initially began as a series of kind acts towards them, soon leads to a dangerous game of seduction where his true intentions will be revealed. “Two cats playing between them with a mouse in half,” said the actress, who reminds tape works like Fatal Attraction or Funny Games .

“These girls are looking for the man who is able to say no. who refuses to have sex with them. And do not lie,” said De Armas, who decided to get involved in the project mainly for his screenplay. “It’s very funny and speaks of temptations, to resist what we like, sexual taboos, fidelity … In addition, it is difficult to find a bad character for a woman,” said De Armas, you became a close friend of Reeves during filming and with him and also shot another film, Daughter of God .

“When I lived in Cuba and was little I would sit to see him on Sundays at noon. It is traditional lunch on the couch with the plate on his knees and watch movies, so I grew up watching Keanu Matrix , Speed ​​ … Working with him was like a ‘shock’. And over here we do everything “said the interpreter.

” I get up (he told), you shot panties face, you set foot in your mouth, I hit … It was fun. He is very generous, patient, good person and worker. He did everything to make us feel calm and not us intimidate him a slap “.
